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  1. undalay

    truly Complex.

    This is how i approached it. |z| = 1 |Z^2| = 1 arg (z) = a arg(z^2) = arg(z) +arg(z) = 2a thus arg(z^2) can be all arg. i.e. unit circle?
  2. undalay

    "Playing the Game"

    I agree with above post. However must take into account that only 10 units will count in HSC not 12.
  3. undalay

    Volumes by slicing

  4. undalay

    What are some funny teacher's comments you've recieved on an exam paper?

    On my physics exam: A 4 or 5 mark question was provided with half a page of spacing. I wrote "answer on attached page" (we could use separate pages if we required additional space) and when i got the test back it said "you mean pages" I actually wrote 2 pages. I thought that was funny ):
  5. undalay

    Does your school have this rule?

    Stop bitching. It does give you an advantage. If it gave you no advantage, why would you want it done in the first place? I was talking to another teacher out of lesson hours to help me perfect my coleridge essay. He said he could not help me much at all, because it was an assessment. It...
  6. undalay

    Do you fear death?

    lets just go commit suicide then.
  7. undalay

    Physical Application of Cal

    edit: nvm u got it lol Yeah my working is messy lol, i'll explain it qualitatively. Basically, you can work out initial x and y velocity. Now draw a triangle This triangle will represent the angles and velocities at time T. We know the angle will be 30, and x will be initial...
  8. undalay

    Physical Application of Cal

    Initially: velocity x = 20cos60 = 10 velocity y = 20sin 60 = 10rt3 let x and y, be x and y velocities at time T tan 30 = y/x x= initial x velocity = 10 1/rt3 = y/x y = 10/rt3 at time T a = -10 v= vsin@ - 10t AT t = 0...
  9. undalay

    Physical Application of Cal

    Mkay, ur right the first part is useless. imo your v=30 is correct.
  10. undalay

    Physical Application of Cal

    "A ball is thrown horizontally from a point O on the edge of a cliff which is 20 metres above a beach and hits the beach at the (-20, 60). Taking g = 10ms-2 find the speed of projection of the second ball. (Standard results about projectile motion can be quoted without proof.)" What second ball?
  11. undalay

    Physical Application of Cal

    For the first question, it asks how much longer, so u need to take away 12 from ur 150.6
  12. undalay

    am i capable of doing 4u maths?

    Guys, realise that 21 hours a week translates to One past paper a day.
  13. undalay

    am i capable of doing 4u maths?

    Re: 回复: Re: am i capable of doing 4u maths? Using a 3u analogy. For circle geo Learning the different 3u proofs is relatively easy (memorising them or w/e) However the questions can get friggin hard Or like a crossword. You probably know the word. It's just getting to the word...
  14. undalay

    am i capable of doing 4u maths?

    You barely need to study 3u. The majority of the time will be dedicated to 4unit. However it doesn't work like 1.5 hours of 4u + 1 hour of 3unit at all. Its more like 2 hours (max seriously) per night and 10 minutes of 3unit (obviously an average and not 10 minutes a night, you couldn't get...
  15. undalay

    Biology VS Physics

    However it definitely is not as hard as ext 1 prokectile motion
  16. undalay

    am i capable of doing 4u maths?

    Have u identified why you're performing poorly in 3u? I would say a score of 70%+ would be a minimum for doing 4u.
  17. undalay

    Biology VS Physics

    Alot of physics math has been dumbed down and removed from the course. I would even go as far as saying that math in chemistry is almost equal to the math in physics. Alot(all?) of physics is plug into formula (which is given). However some concepts within physics take a while to get your head...
  18. undalay

    Orbiting electron

    thank you all, in particular shakespear :] Cleared up alot
  19. undalay

    BCS theory

    Oh i see, so the collisions by the electrons would be negated due to the other pulling it? Is this the case for the leading electron as well ?
  20. undalay

    More Trig questions

    x^3 - y^3 = (x-y)(x^2 +xy+y) sub x= cos^2 A y = sin^2 A simplify and u'll get it