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  1. undalay

    Subject Selection

    I believe cosmology is an advanced course available to students who accelerate. This can be (and usually is) done at a local university which offers it.
  2. undalay

    ultra hard complex no.

    I think this one is more so: -______-"""
  3. undalay

    4U Revising Game

    = 1/[4cosxsinx + cos^2 x] = 1/[2sin(2x) + cos^2 x] not equal the question!. You made a small mistakeeee
  4. undalay

    4U Revising Game

    pi/4 / | 1 |----------------dx |2sin(2x) + cosx / 0
  5. undalay

    Dehydration/hydration of ethanol.

    I understand why the acidic catalyst is required, however; why does dehydration require a concentrated acidic catalyst, and why does hydration require a dilute acidic catalyst.
  6. undalay

    4U Revising Game

    Is this the answer:
  7. undalay

    4U Revising Game

    From my class test. Prove: [file attached]
  8. undalay

    4U Revising Game

    Hereeeeee :D edit: oh damn i got beat to it : P
  9. undalay

    Geometry proof

    books wrong. If the only information given is the diagram and; If pythagoras doesn't work, then obviously the angle is not 90 degrees. or theres like extra info in invisible ink
  10. undalay

    4U Revising Game

    Heres onee: Graph |x+y| = 2 labeling significant points.
  11. undalay

    4U Revising Game

    CBF typing, its obvious. (sec^2 is the derivative of tan)
  12. undalay

    Geometry proof

    It's not "hard". It's just a broken question, with that little information, the only way is to measure it physically. It's like asking; prove x = 1 when y = 2, without any given relationship between x and y. edit: You could measure the sides, and prove that pythagoras works (hence it...
  13. undalay

    How many written A4 pages is 1 and a half in size 11 font?

    1000 words is about 6-8 exam pages.
  14. undalay

    Geometry proof

    As stupid as this sounds. Get a potracter and measure it. In sc they allow measurement to find angles. Solving by any other means is impossible without more information.
  15. undalay


    3 months is outrageous. 3 weeks is plenty
  16. undalay

    4U Revising Game

    int tannx dx = int tann-2x(sec2x -1) dx = int tann-2xsec2x dx - In-2 = tann-1x / (n-1) - In-2
  17. undalay

    4U Revising Game

    | | 1 / (1 + sinx) dx | | | 1-sinx / (1 - sin^2x) dx | | | 1-sinx / cos^2 x dx | | | sec^2 x - integral sinx / cos^2 x dx | = tanx + c1 + integral cos^-2 d (cosx) = tanx - sec x + c2
  18. undalay

    4U Revising Game

    This is a slightly modified question from my half yearlyy.
  19. undalay

    Stupid Q - general solutions

    Finding patterns in some sequence isn't really learning how the general solutions formulas are constructed.
  20. undalay

    Stupid Q - general solutions

    In the exam, they won't penalise you if you have more then one general solution formula. You can have 1 or 2 or 3 overlapping eachother, as long as they are all viable.