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  1. undalay

    harder 3u

    sydney grammar
  2. undalay

    Extra curricular activities

    you can start duke of ed any year, even in uni. edit: as long your under 21? (or was it 24)
  3. undalay

    Extra curricular activities

    MUN? Model united nations? I'm looking for events which are not expensive. (I'm assuming MUN is) and to charity F. Thx, ill jsut go back in time and tell myself that. By shire do u mean council? I've had a look at my councils website but there was nothing):
  4. undalay

    Extra curricular activities

    something like that...but nt med. med's full of crap :]
  5. undalay

    Extra curricular activities

    Um yeah, i mean stuff like YAA, youth parliament, anything like that.
  6. undalay

    Extra curricular activities

    Does anyone know of any upcoming activites yr 12s can join? Science, leadership, teamwork, etc, etc. basically stuff i can put on my cv. such as YAA, youth parliament? Links would be greatly appreciated.
  7. undalay

    State rankings

    You can get 1st with a 98, as was the case last year for phys and chem.
  8. undalay

    YAA - Young Achievement Australia

    Send another email about how much u were looking forward to yaa etc etc. They'll put u in a group, they're usually very flexible even if one month has past.
  9. undalay

    question (Relativity?)

    Sorry when I was refering to the twins i meant this: Twin A blasts off into rocket (assume no acceleration) Twin B stays on earth (assume earth is perfect inertial FOR) Both twin A is both younger and older then twin B. The only way the twins paradox can be solved, is if we apply...
  10. undalay

    MIT open courseware

    Any topics you recommend?
  11. undalay

    getting from C6H12O6(aq) to C6H12O6(l)

    1 MARK? 1 MARK? 1M ARK? Q1. OH i got it wrong dw just 1 mark. Q2. homg i got it wrong dw just 1 mark. Q3. WTF ? dw just 1 mark. .... end of test. DW i just lost 1 markers. get resultback 0%. 1 mark is alottt ): but since its an internal test, i'm sure you can argue for the mark...
  12. undalay

    Pressure from parents

    some of my friends parents make me so angry. I wanna tell them off ahaha.
  13. undalay

    Pressure from parents

    stand up to ur parents and tell em to fk off.
  14. undalay

    AMC Questions

    ah yes i used my own diagram which didn't go in ahaha. But yeah makes sense for the diagram kurt gave. thx iruka edit: btw how do u do Q10 efficiently:
  15. undalay

    AMC Questions

    ohmyyy.... curved corners! I'll also guess that the circle fragments add up to one full circle. so +4pi the sides still add up to 125 So A? Am i close edit: yer im pretty sure its 125 + 4pi
  16. undalay

    AMC Questions

  17. undalay

    AMC Questions

    Is it possible to do without finding angles?
  18. undalay

    AMC Questions

    Refer to diagram. a b c are angles b = 180 - (90 + a) b = 90 - a c = 180 - (90+b) c = 180 - (180 - a) c = a thus big triangle similar to small triangle. Using ratio of sides We work out width is 32m Pythagoras, hypotenus is 40m 40x 4 = 160
  19. undalay

    AMC Questions

    Q1 answer is 160
  20. undalay

    AMC Questions

    nvm i see