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  1. undalay

    AMC Questions

    I find it strange there is no width...
  2. undalay

    AMC Questions

    AMC is either multiple choice or a number? Q1 is nethier of those? unless there is information missing. and ur diagram in Q2 is wrong, the 90degrees angle shouldn't be inside? shouldn't it be regular. aha
  3. undalay

    ENG Studies Marks

    No the aligned mark is the one that you recieve on your HSC document.
  4. undalay

    Music In Languages You Don't Understand But Love

    yer epik high is pretty hot. se7en is cool tooo (also korean) edit: bigbang also (y)
  5. undalay

    Conics question help

    2 late conics2008 ): People already posted up the solutions. Let's play again next time :]
  6. undalay

    Conics question help

    i challenge conics2008 to do this question. $5 i can give a better proof.
  7. undalay

    Estimating your aligned HSC marks

    raw assessment marks does not equal your aligned HSC mark. And i'm sure you can get the info for step 2 if you ask around? Your careers advisor maybe?
  8. undalay

    Estimating your aligned HSC marks

    Yes that's definitely an option, however this method is much more accurate imo (however only for larger cohorts). This is similar to the method my career advisor uses for estimate UAIs.
  9. undalay

    Rank & Score

    I don't think you need to be a genius. That being said if you're not a genius, you still need to be talented AND work hard. Personally i believe it is impossible to get top 10 rank if you only work hard but have no talent. A top ten rank would most likely be in the 114/120 + region? or...
  10. undalay

    Estimating your aligned HSC marks

    My guess would be the 100-200ish range.
  11. undalay

    Estimating your aligned HSC marks

    Step 1* Find out your rank for each subject, and total cohort per subject. E.g. 12/20 2u math 13/75 Adv English 1/5 Physics etc Step 2# Research your schools academic statistics. Subject: Band6%/Band5%/Band4% E.g. 2u math : 30/30/20/20/ Adv english...
  12. undalay

    Realistic UAI

    I mean find out your schools statistics (from your school) about how the previous years went, and how many band 6s you got for each subject. For example. Let's assume that at your school for each subject. 10% gets band 6, 20% gets band 5, 30% gets band 4 and 40% gets band 3. Your marks...
  13. undalay

    Question about Australian exams / foreign students

    Well, I don't think your students can do the HSC as a such. However i'm pretty sure u can just do SATS/ or something similar and have it converted to a UAI ?
  14. undalay

    Realistic UAI

    You can't just say top 5 or whatever. You need to say like top 5 out of 40. and the ranking of your school. the best way to guage where ur UAI is, is to gather data from the school. I.e. what % got band 6, or band 5 in a certain subject. For example say your average in physics, and...
  15. undalay

    Finding the new equation

    u make no sense bro
  16. undalay

    Finding the new equation

    If they don't state monic, or something, then it should be fine
  17. undalay

    Studying for Chemistry?

    If u can properly learn the prelim course in 4 days. You can learn the HSC in 4 days. You don't even need a headstart.
  18. undalay

    Studying for Maths Extension 1

    except the extension ones. Most of them are just retarded. I mean there are 3D locus problems.
  19. undalay

    In your opinion what is the most important subject?

    Re: What is the most important subject? My point is usefulness is subjective. What makes the TV more "useful" then a shakespeare play? because it can entertain?
  20. undalay

    In your opinion what is the most important subject?

    Re: What is the most important subject? and what have you done with your yr 11 chemistry / physics and math? Invented the TV? oh wait... nothing edit: directed at foram