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  1. undalay

    In your opinion what is the most important subject?

    Re: What is the most important subject? "with the cash component varying between $55k and $98k." like i said. Packages =/= salary you need to pay for accomodation/food/expenses which comes under the package.
  2. undalay

    In your opinion what is the most important subject?

    Re: What is the most important subject? The median starting salary for Mining Engineering graduates nationally was $57,000 which clearly topped the list of all engineering and science degree graduates. [The median for the UNSW...
  3. undalay

    In your opinion what is the most important subject?

    Re: What is the most important subject? To catzhernandez You need 2 weeks to post in non-school not post count (90% sure) To people saying english is the most important because it has to count to UAI. That is a really stupid reason. If you do 10 units, then they all have to count... I...
  4. undalay

    Brief question

    What's the difference between 2u and 3u? Seems like the same to me ahaha.
  5. undalay

    Parametrics: Chord of Contact

    xx1 = 2a(y+y1) ... (1) xx2 = 2a(y+y2) ... (2) Let T(x0,y0) be external point and A(x1,y1), B(x2,y2) two points on parabola). (1) and (2) are equations of tangents. (1)... T must lie on tangent (1) x0x1=2a(y0+y1) THUS A must lie on the line. x0x = 2a(y0 + y) ...(3) (2)... T...
  6. undalay

    Parametrics: Chord of Contact

    He's asking why the equation is the same [xx1=2a(y+y1)] even though they are different [tangent / chord of contact] you dck. L2comprehend.
  7. undalay

    public school or private school to do better in HSC?

    [/I] Firstly it sounds like you are infering that they can't. My point is, you can't speak for selective schools. So don't. Just because you are under the impression that things are harder to attain, does not make it true. Its the same for Public schools. What if only one person wants to do a...
  8. undalay


  9. undalay

    public school or private school to do better in HSC?

    UNI doesn't matter once your dead, whats your point?
  10. undalay

    public school or private school to do better in HSC?

    You have no idea what you are talking about. I attend a highly ranked selective school. You definitely are allowed to do pathways. You definitely are allowed to repeat your HSC. Infact there are 3 or 4 people in my grade that actually do pathways. Although we only allow Advanced english...
  11. undalay


    You do need a prelim to do HSC. You don't need a SC to do prelim. IF you did need a SC to do prelim: - You get SC at the end of year 10 (start of year 11) So the only way to accelerate is to skip to year 12. Contradiction.
  12. undalay

    salaries for vets

    australians just don't love pets that much ?
  13. undalay

    Male or Female? :o

    that would cut if it was a guy ahahah
  14. undalay

    Male or Female? :o

    i think they are very hot looking male legs. edit; i'd hit it.
  15. undalay

    Preparing yourself for a Job interview.

    i think that response is actually a bit cookie cutter, nothig different. williamc's response is much more unique. And really, isn't unique what employers are looking for ?
  16. undalay

    ugh. :D

    buy successone It has worked solutions to all past HSC questions. and its <$30 (even less from a past student)
  17. undalay

    Combustion of alkanols

    For the molar heat of combustino for alkanols. Do we need a line of best fit for the graph? or is it enough just to join the dots? Do we even need to join the dots? Does the line of best fit always need to pass through 0,0 ( i was told be some student teacher we do ages ago :/) Does the line...
  18. undalay

    Bad Maths mark

    Trust me when i say this. You didn't know your work well enough. Silly mistakes are a result of lack of practice.
  19. undalay

    monoprotic, diprotic acids

    the amount of [H+] merely reflects the acidity. Not the strength. For example taking your values of 100% and 5% then the average ionisation % is (100%+5%)/2 =52.5% but once again i've been told to consider both steps of H2SO4 as strong.