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  1. 0

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Please don't tell me that gets government funding? Cultural degeneration ftl.
  2. 0

    HAMAS leader assassinated

    I love how you called Israel shit. Look at the rest of the Middle East. How many are democratic? Free? Prosperous?
  3. 0

    Multicultural or Monocultural: Which is better?

    How about proper debate instead of the typical "I think it's pretty obvious". That's the whole point really, multiculturalism was sprung upon us without debate or vote, and critics are simply silenced as 'racist'. YouTube - Mark Steyn on Multiculturalism Discuss.
  4. 0

    Multicultural or Monocultural: Which is better?

    The interesting thing about multiculturalism is that it is a distinctly mono-cultural phenomenon. Sorry, but I'm not ashamed of my (white) heritage.
  5. 0

    Is racism really that bad?

    I'd like to point out that Stormfront building a whites only club isn't inherently racist, unlike what the stupid PC white-guiltist's will have you believe. But apparently it's fine to have a Lebanese Muslim Association lol Ethnic minorities are only ever successful if they act white.
  6. 0

    The libertarian compromise

    The freeer the market the freeer the people. So taking what you've said: Liberal.
  7. 0

    David...I don't think she exactly knew me personally, but I remember her being there and people...

    David...I don't think she exactly knew me personally, but I remember her being there and people saying she was pro at maths lol
  8. 0

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Thanks, just speaking from the heart.
  9. 0

    lol wut

    lol wut
  10. 0

    lol hey

    lol hey
  11. 0

    Balance of Payments

    "Australia relies on the savings of the rest of the world to fund a current account deficit". Which part of the Capital and Financial Account includes loans (the principal not the interest)? Is it direct investment? My textbook (Dixon) is pretty ambiguous about this.
  12. 0

    Mate you're a champ, wish I was devoted as you.

    Mate you're a champ, wish I was devoted as you.
  13. 0

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Yes, the high-classes probably used to do that. I doubt the majority of people (who were peasants) felt the need to marry for a business arrangement. How is this relevant to the current context anyway? You want to revert back to this? That's obviously the point I was raising.
  14. 0

    Homosexuality in Australia

    What the hell country do you think this is?
  15. 0

    Yes, from Lambton High. Small world :D

    Yes, from Lambton High. Small world :D
  16. 0

    lol sweet. My teacher's pretty mad, he does everything completely by the syllabus :DDD...

    lol sweet. My teacher's pretty mad, he does everything completely by the syllabus :DDD Worksheets he gives us in class even have the syllabus points written up the top of the page :P
  17. 0

    Nah man our next assessment is the half-yearly test. We just finished the Balance of Payments.

    Nah man our next assessment is the half-yearly test. We just finished the Balance of Payments.
  18. 0

    You go to Duval High School? Do you know Meiyin?

    You go to Duval High School? Do you know Meiyin?
  19. 0

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Not Westboro Baptist Church, but the "U.S, a Christian dominated country". The whole country?
  20. 0

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Yeah, but you took it further and said that all American Christians do these things.