Search results

  1. 0

    Veyron in the drink.

    How the hell did that happen? They said they had to slow to 50mph not to get ahead of it, and there was no bend in the road?
  2. 0

    Should we care about whaling?

    Yeah, I don't see your point?
  3. 0

    Should we care about whaling?

    Yeah, I don't see your point?
  4. 0

    Should we care about whaling?

    No, we shouldn't. Unless it's in our waters which I don't think it is.
  5. 0

    Top Gear Series 14 Episode 6

    :O They aren't putting Season 14 on TV?
  6. 0

    Top Gear Series 14 Episode 6

    ahaha I haven't seen it yet. Only up to episode 2 :/ Are you just watching it on the net?
  7. 0

    Top Gear Live 2010

    That's an awesome girlfriend. James May will be there this time, he wasn't there this year but I think he is coming in Richard's place? Can anyone confirm?
  8. 0

    Top Gear Live 2010

    Who's going? I just got tickets for the Saturday at 2pm. I went to the one this year and it was awesome! Can't wait to see what they do this time.
  9. 0

    Top Gear Series 14 Episode 6

    The Bolivia special?
  10. 0

    Do's and Don't's in Driving Test.

    Err, haven't got mine but from what I've been hearing: Head checks is a BIG do.
  11. 0

    Languages, anyone?

    How do you teach yourself? I know tiny bits of German here and there, but how can I expand it without getting taught?
  12. 0

    Who is ready for yr 11?

    I'm not ready....ohhh dammit >.>
  13. 0

    Money-saving tips?

    Eat nothing but cup noodles.
  14. 0

    John W. Howard - Love him or Loath him?

    lol wut. Whitlam was terribad. Can't say much more for Keating either.
  15. 0

    Rise of Nationalism (anti-muslim) in Great Britain

    They are already doing that (not this group but others, major parties too).
  16. 0

    Worst car on the road today?

    lol I don't care much for the rest but reliability? Really?
  17. 0

    Did Google rip off Leapfish?

    There is no such thing as a new web. The internet was created with community in mind.
  18. 0

    Rise of Nationalism (anti-muslim) in Great Britain

    Pretty sure the nationalism was always there in Britain but has only recently come to the surface like in Australia.
  19. 0

    Is it possible for somebody with a really low IQ like 110, to achieve a 99+ atar?

    Online tests ftl Of course you can if you can be bothered to put in the 'hard yards'.