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  1. 0

    American Politics

    Never heard of him till now. Whoever said there was a talent vacuum in the GOP? lol
  2. 0

    car accidents

    That's the best story I've ever heard. +1
  3. 0

    Top Gear series 14

    SBS was bad enough in this respect. It's gonna get murdered on Nine. When is Nine gonna start airing it? Oh and Spade are you talking about the marathon of Season 12 on BBC Knowledge yesterday?
  4. 0

    What have YOU done so far?

    lol I feel so guilty now. I started off by finishing some eco classwork that we didn't get time to finish in class, touched up my Modern notes (a bit, but still have to type up 4: Turning Points :/) and then did about half of my AOS notes. Then it completely died from there and for the past 5ish...
  5. 0

    Hey, you do Eco right? Wanna swap notes? I'm swaping with BHS10 as well, wanna do a 3 way swap?

    Hey, you do Eco right? Wanna swap notes? I'm swaping with BHS10 as well, wanna do a 3 way swap?
  6. 0

    Post your Boxing Day Sale shopping list!

    lol sweeeeet. Yeah I already have a suit but I was thinking of mixing it up.
  7. 0

    Post your Boxing Day Sale shopping list!

    Well, the Harvard Professor look. You know, tweed jacket with elbow pads and all that. Thinking of going like that to the formal.
  8. 0

    Post your Boxing Day Sale shopping list!

    Well, yeah lol
  9. 0

    Web 2.0 Suicide Machine

    lol this is awesome. So tempted to do it for the lulz.
  10. 0

    Post your Boxing Day Sale shopping list!

    The look lol.
  11. 0

    Probably to most certainly a conservative lol. Though I do lean libertarian on some things but...

    Probably to most certainly a conservative lol. Though I do lean libertarian on some things but usually not on social issues. So are you actually a member of the Young Liberals? What sort of activities do you do? I was thinking of formally joining the party but I decided to wait till I'm a little...
  12. 0

    I wouldn't mind living in Sydney. At least it has the *illusion* that something is happening...

    I wouldn't mind living in Sydney. At least it has the *illusion* that something is happening unlike Newcastle which is boring as heck lol. So anyway, back to politics :D Are you a moderate or conservative?
  13. 0

    Not really sure. At the moment I'm thinking about BA/Ed at the ever so humble UNCLE (can't be...

    Not really sure. At the moment I'm thinking about BA/Ed at the ever so humble UNCLE (can't be much bothered moving to Sydney). Probably major in history and a minor in economics (haven't read much into the subject options so bear with me). So my minimum is 75+ but I want 85+ :P
  14. 0

    Post your Boxing Day Sale shopping list!

    lol for some reason I think of the Harvard Professor 'Robert Langdon' sorta look when I see this. How do you pull this off?
  15. 0

    lol oh yes I know what you mean. Are you a 10er or 11er? What are you aiming for in terms of...

    lol oh yes I know what you mean. Are you a 10er or 11er? What are you aiming for in terms of ATAR/future?
  16. 0

    Top Gear series 14

    lol I've always said engine like that and thought it was normal until a friend pointed it out one day. I live in NSW, my dad is a Queenslander, now I know where I got if from lol.
  17. 0

    Hey :P Thanks for the add mate. Young Liberal? Nice to see :D

    Hey :P Thanks for the add mate. Young Liberal? Nice to see :D
  18. 0

    What are you currently Reading?

    Last book I finished was 'The Lost Symbol' by Dan Brown. Anyone read it? I don't know what to think. It started all right but it got a bit convoluted towards the end.
  19. 0

    Ok, i've had enough. Add all evidence of +18 gaming here.

    k well I did copy some of your quote as I thought it was a good intro to what I wanted to say, but most of it is my own stuff:
  20. 0

    Who will you vote for?

    + 1. Retarded how apparently parties like Family First are extremist yet they are willing to proclaim the Greens as a viable alternative to either of the major parties.