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    American Politics

    lol what the hell does race have to do with anything?
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    American Politics

    Umm, more of a GOP version of Obama.
  3. 0

    How much of the syllabus should be covered these holidays?

    lol quote of the year. Particularly poignant coming from someone calling himself bio nut lol
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    Abbott thinks reading the Bible should be compulsory in schools

    lol that book is fail. Especially when you consider he attempts to condemn religion as dogmatic while simultaneously being guilty of that himself.
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    Abbott thinks reading the Bible should be compulsory in schools

    Huh? So what are those 2 billion Christians following then?
  6. 0

    Are We Sad

    lol when I got CoD4 for Christmas I finished the Campaign on Christmas Day in 3 hours.
  7. 0

    Do you post regularly on car forums?

    Nah. I only frequent like two forums (no prizes for guessing what one of them is) and the other one is pretty dead lately.
  8. 0

    Cooooool. That's quite a long time away from school lol. Are you just staying at home or moving...

    Cooooool. That's quite a long time away from school lol. Are you just staying at home or moving on/off campus?
  9. 0

    Abbott thinks reading the Bible should be compulsory in schools

    When did Christianity go out of relevance, 'Sir'? At it's most basic, by sheer weight of numbers obviously. lol anyway this is very off topic.
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    I honestly don't know what to do after HSc. I was considering having a gap year getting some...

    I honestly don't know what to do after HSc. I was considering having a gap year getting some dough and going to the gym a fair bit but I suck at self-discipline so knowing me it would turn into an orgy of Modern Warfare 2/Assassin's Creed II lol. When does uni start anyways? March?
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    Abbott thinks reading the Bible should be compulsory in schools

    Christianity/the Bible? If I dare to say, quite a lot.
  12. 0

    lol maaaate if I'm bored after the HSC I might have to go to uni straight away instead of having...

    lol maaaate if I'm bored after the HSC I might have to go to uni straight away instead of having a gap year >.>
  13. 0

    What are you currently Reading?

    A History of Warfare - John Keegan. Got it for Christmas and I have to say it seems pretty damn awesome so far.
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    American Politics

    Obama doesn't seem to be doing that well so far. I believe in one interview he even said he's prepared to be a one term President. However if the Republicans are beat in 2012 I want Jindall to run in 2016 over Palin.
  15. 0

    Top Gear series 14

    lol I saw the one where they go the Romania. Dacio Sandero rofl
  16. 0

    How often do they do this?

    "Four score and ten years ago...." lol. But anyway Aerath, I'm pretty sure they can ask you to write in the form of a Debate. but seriously BoS, please just give me straight up essays so I can wing it and save the douchebaggery for '11! :P
  17. 0

    How many days off did you have?

    lol for year 11 I had something like 15-20 (keep in mind it's only a 3 term year). Yeah, useless year.
  18. 0

    What type of family

    Safe and green. Nuclear. lol
  19. 0

    How will you organize your stuff?

    + 500000000.01