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  1. 0

    Abbott thinks reading the Bible should be compulsory in schools

    Troll alert: Ok, I'm going to be a dick here, but it insults you to be Australian? As mentioned by jetblack, a lot of our history is intertwined with Christianity, as are our legal institutions, government, public holidays, etc. which - taking a leap here - somewhat define us as a nation. A...
  2. 0

    How many days off did you have?

    I don't get what this is supposed to show/mean :|
  3. 0

    Which occupation makes more money?

    lol yes as you'll go further in terms of promotions hence more money.
  4. 0

    American Politics

    Well, I think it's probably because if you have a more moderate GOP candidate why would you vote for them when you could just go for the 'authentic' candidate (eg. Dem)? Same thing works here. Turnbull had bad ratings because he was Labor-lite. He was a Labor man's leader but why would anyone...
  5. 0

    How many days off did you have?

    Directed at 09ers :P At my school our reports say how many days we've had off and how many are unexplained and explained. So, how many did you have for year 12? Just wondering lol
  6. 0

    American Politics

    "In the past, generally the more liberal the national Republican candidate, the more likely they were to lose the general election." I think this holds some water. Discuss.
  7. 0

    Non-accelerated students?

    Including school? If not, then add another 400 (200 per 2u) hours on that :/
  8. 0

    Ok, i've had enough. Add all evidence of +18 gaming here.

    So I got an e-mail today from a friend about a government discussion paper and a submission form where you can write to the government with your opinion (I think, I haven't read the entire form but this is what it looks like so far). Attaching both the discussion paper and submission form.
  9. 0

    Abbott thinks reading the Bible should be compulsory in schools

    I'm a Christian and I approve this message.
  10. 0

    Ok, i've had enough. Add all evidence of +18 gaming here.

    Tis a sentiment I share.
  11. 0

    The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed

    Agreed with almost everything but this. Extremely contentious point. The US Army withdrew, yes, but were they defeated? I would make the point that the war was lost on the US homefront (which is were most of the fallout from the Tet Offensive fell).
  12. 0

    Abbott thinks reading the Bible should be compulsory in schools

    lol it's not forced on them, unless you're seriously saying you personally could not read the Bible without converting to Christianity?
  13. 0

    Does God exist?

    I didn't know science took sides.
  14. 0

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Probably would tbh.
  15. 0

    Does God exist?

    0.o millions?
  16. 0

    Homosexuality in Australia

    + 1. lol very true.
  17. 0

    University Stay

    I don't got for a while as well but I'd rather stay in my own room.
  18. 0

    Anyone going to UNCLE?

    0.o SFX is seniors only?
  19. 0

    Avatar (2009)

    It was pretty good imo. Story was a little cliche'd though.
  20. 0

    Abbott thinks reading the Bible should be compulsory in schools

    And I love how atheists (or whatever you define yourselves as, following on from that debate earlier) seem to think being overbearingly arrogant and adopting a vicious mob mentality will somehow convince people of their 'cause'? Slidey, what do you want me to say? It's your choice to go to...