Search results

  1. 0

    Who will you vote for?

    They won't ever get in power (Family First, that is). Mostly because I like the idea of 'cheques and balances'.
  2. 0

    Abbott thinks reading the Bible should be compulsory in schools

    If you actually believe that then why (presumably, sorry, didn't read your opinion on this because I'm too lazy) do you oppose them teaching it schools?
  3. 0

    Who will you vote for?

    Please don't ever reference the Greens as a major party ever again :/
  4. 0

    Who will you vote for?

    How the hell are the Greens winning >.< If the Greens ever gain a majority, I will literally unscrew my door and float on it to Indonesia. Oh and I assumed this was for House of Reps. In Reps. I'll vote Libs. and vote Family First in Senate.
  5. 0

    yes it is. A Procedural Downpour: Heavy Rain Hands-On - It looks pretty sweet :D

    yes it is. A Procedural Downpour: Heavy Rain Hands-On - It looks pretty sweet :D
  6. 0

    Abbott thinks reading the Bible should be compulsory in schools

    Don't understand why everyone turns militant as soon as the Bible is mentioned... If I recall correctly, he said the aim is to not convert. In that case I wouldn't mind if kids had a little more understanding of what the Bible actually says. At least then debating with cocksure 16 year olds...
  7. 0

    My case study is on China, but we had a seperate research task case study which I did on Brazil...

    My case study is on China, but we had a seperate research task case study which I did on Brazil. So I've pretty much done two.
  8. 0

    lol nah, school. What games are you gonna get? Have you heard of 'Heavy Rain'? I think you'd...

    lol nah, school. What games are you gonna get? Have you heard of 'Heavy Rain'? I think you'd like it.
  9. 0

    No worries. Just touching up mine making sure there is no gaps etc. Get it to you as soon as...

    No worries. Just touching up mine making sure there is no gaps etc. Get it to you as soon as possible :)
  10. 0

    Wow. Very nice :) Got a PSN tag? Mines 'obs3n3', although I probably won't be on much for the...

    Wow. Very nice :) Got a PSN tag? Mines 'obs3n3', although I probably won't be on much for the next 10 or so months :/
  11. 0

    Yeah, e-mail will be fine. You know it?

    Yeah, e-mail will be fine. You know it?
  12. 0

    Hey :P Wanna share Eco notes?

    Hey :P Wanna share Eco notes?
  13. 0

    Congrats on the result Anna! Also, what's this about PS3?

    Congrats on the result Anna! Also, what's this about PS3?
  14. 0

    what related text did you use for belonging?

    How many can they ask you to talk about in the exam? People have only been listing two here, is that the maximum?
  15. 0

    Where's the middle ground?

    So far looking at people's ATARS, they're either 90-95+ or below 60. Where are all the 70's and 80's? Wasn't 70.05 the average this year?
  16. 0

    Lambton High School

    Lambton High School
  17. 0

    Who thinks the HSC is unfair?

    Says the douche who studied night before the HSC?
  18. 0

    Who thinks the HSC is unfair?

    Because English is fucking gay.