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  1. toisthbe

    How do u get to work at DJ?

    not DJ! i mean David Jones!.. i went there..i noticed that the majority of them were..WOMEN! so it must be so hard for me to get a job there..... so how do u even apply..i went to their website, they dont even hav a careers link...sigh..
  2. toisthbe

    Colesmyer - Kmart

    i reckon that too! its like we go through so many stages like 3-4 quizes and 2 interviews.. and the pay is not even good... wtf!! we are the one who hav passed the quizes passed the 2 interviews..!! ~~~WE ARE THE ELITE~!~~~ we should at least get better than $13.00 per...
  3. toisthbe

    Colesmyer - Kmart

    even during christmas? we're talkin about kmart here, not franklins or coles....
  4. toisthbe

    Why is english so shitty?

    dude, i hate the english course too cos its not my specialty.. but 38,000 differnet texts? lol..
  5. toisthbe

    another, EAS quesiton

    i had 1 relative (grandma), 1 next door neighbour, and 1 supervisor (from YAA) who died this year.. and last year.. but i'm not even doin EAS for those. i was merely askin for this, cos i kno that it will impact my hsc results...ok i think that anyone who moves houses 3 weeks b4 hsc...
  6. toisthbe

    Can Someone quickly help me !!!

    in the terry lee book, i believe that ln(A) is an assumed constant, thats one bad thing bout that book.
  7. toisthbe

    Failed English!

    i fink more than half of my year faield english trials this year STandaard english ie..
  8. toisthbe

    another, EAS quesiton

    am i disadvantaged if i moved house in like 3 weeks, which is like 3 weeks b4 the hsc? cos 1stly ppl a few weeks back b4 we sold our my current house were comin in and lookin at it..etc and then when i move, i'll hav to pack up and shit, and it'll take long to transfer all the stuff, and...
  9. toisthbe

    marks & ranks

  10. toisthbe


    u'd sleep in every lecture wouldn't u? i went to one, so borin, all they talked about is the uni itself, not the course....sigh..
  11. toisthbe

    course cut-offs for diff unis

    ic ic about the rep, but u wouldn't say unsw to be an ideal locatn. u need train n bus
  12. toisthbe


    well last year, year 11, i had a teacher that was so bad, my class started a petition to get rid of him, hes gone now.haha
  13. toisthbe

    Are You ALL Aiming at 99+ UAI or something??

    bak to 4unit... i hav a friend who is 1st in 4unit maths 1st in economics 1st in physics 1st in esl 2nd in 3unit maths lol anychance he gets under 99?
  14. toisthbe

    course cut-offs for diff unis

    but why? but why? better lecturers? better teachers? better reputation for the certificates u get?
  15. toisthbe

    course cut-offs for diff unis

    lol wheres uws?
  16. toisthbe

    course cut-offs for diff unis

    higher demand? wat do u mean? demand for wat? there are same courses, but different wats the higher demand means?
  17. toisthbe

    UNSW Open Day

    wat do u usually ask the ppl at the desks? i usually ask them, wat jobs will i get after completin this course, wat is the sucessrate.. lol i'm not like most ppl who actually ask about the course, i find u can find info like that on the net, and in the book..
  18. toisthbe

    course cut-offs for diff unis

    ok, jus tell me WHY say UNSW has higher cutoff then UWS?? is it becos they hav better lecturers? cos of their location? cos of their reputation of havin reputable students who hav studied their? cos its reputation? where did this reputation originate from? cos they recieve more fundin...
  19. toisthbe

    Bachelor of Business - Property Economics

    yeh i might do propoerty economics @ UTS, if i don get bbusiness.. my sis has a friend who does it, and if the books don hav new versions i can use his, and save $$$$ hahaHAHa..