Search results

  1. toisthbe

    toisthbe has found his course!

    yep, i've found my course, and now i will not be posting anymore questions about courses...hehehe thanx for helping ppl, esp da monsta.. its related to business.. i kno i can get the uai cos its between 80 and 90...woohoo!! cyaz
  2. toisthbe

    PRIOR HSC mathematics 3U & 4U opinions pls

    wtf? don do tutoring!! like me!! ...sigh.
  3. toisthbe

    Repeating Yr 12??

    Repeating year 12 will be the worse advice u'd recieve from anyone. Repeating year 12 will be the worse thing u'll ever done in life Repeating year 12 will make u look like a godamn weirdo Repeating year 12 is wrong wrong wrong Repeating year 12 is stupid Repeating year 12 is a waste of...
  4. toisthbe


    dux is calculated by point system.. for som reason comin 1st in advanced english gives u 40points but comin 1st in ext2 math gets us 20 points..
  5. toisthbe

    Bohr's postulates: should u know the ORDER?

    bohrs postulates were asked in my trials.. so its up to u... jus study them!
  6. toisthbe

    What are you Doing???

    me too, if they do put in in the hsc, i'm a "gameover, plz com again"
  7. toisthbe

    Colesmyer - Kmart

    i hav highschool friend who got gras bros, i guess maturity yeh. i still look young, but my friend is really old lookin for our age. also he has work experience, which helped alot! (dele france, 2000 olympics, wokboys) i only had wokboys. my interview went for like 1 1/2minutes.. (kmart)...
  8. toisthbe

    whats an engineer

    i'm worried that when if i do do this course and become a civil engineer i will not get a job.. because the uai is so low, i assumed that there must be alot of them..
  9. toisthbe

    Anything besides "Education" to Asian parents are considered unnecessary.

    cos som ppl are NATURALLY motivated.. i'm not.
  10. toisthbe

    uai prediction pleaseeeeeeeee

    wat wrong wif these pplz advice?? u'll probably get high 80s.. or low 90s.. as they say..
  11. toisthbe

    wondering as always

    wif those crappy ranks? i don fink so cos my sister ripped english standard, and the only different subjects she did was chemistry instead of my 4unit maths... and she did alright in 3unit maths, eco and physics.. she only got 88~ me, i'm jus hoping i get over 83 to do my course... ;]
  12. toisthbe

    whats an engineer

    so its not because there are toooooo many civil engineers out there?
  13. toisthbe

    wondering as always

    i kno, i kno, i WISH i did advanced english......god i wish... i love the scaling fact of the UAI, my ranks suck yet low 80s ppl say...haha..
  14. toisthbe

    wondering as always

    ranks standard english 50/100 economics 15/40 physics 30/80 ext 1 math 50/80 ext 2 math 20/40 low 80s? high 70s?
  15. toisthbe

    Bachelor of Arts...

    when u say 'UAC' considers both..UAI & 1st year results, are these considered by computers... or reall ppl... if they're considered by real ppl, cant u like approach them and plee for life that u want to transfer.. and say that u've changed, n this is reflected through ur disctinction...
  16. toisthbe


    ok. r these like rare cases..or actually really common?
  17. toisthbe

    Bachelor of Arts...

    ok...another question.. is i get distinction average at parramatta campus doin b business can i transfer to UTS b business?
  18. toisthbe

    Anything besides "Education" to Asian parents are considered unnecessary.

    it really depends on the family... for me, my parents were brought up in the society that women do all the work and men relax at home.. well my mom married into that family, she said 'no'. my grandma has 8 children...(my aunties or uncles ie) all 7 are married or in some form of...