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  1. toisthbe

    predict plz?

    is 83 for sure!?
  2. toisthbe

    predict plz?

    lol workin on english is hard, cos my module c is a shocker.. tracks by robyn wtf?? there is literally no resources related this book on the net..
  3. toisthbe

    UAI prediction please

    lol i find the jesh's prediction are very optimistic..heheheh looking at ur ranks..u're practically comin last.. in 3 subjects.. i'd say borderline 80.. chances are, even lower..
  4. toisthbe

    question about ext 2 maths

    ur of 7th/13 doesn't help much cos we wouldn't know if u guys are really smart or ..not.. but get 5questions FULLY out of 8 in the hsc..n u'd be smiling.. like this ;-]
  5. toisthbe

    predict plz?

    finaly got my report yesterday... omg so shit.. can u predict my uai, if i do kinda the same at the hsc??? thanx... English Standard | Exam mark 43 | Rank 54th/116 Maths Ext1 | Exam mark 47 | Rank 43th/84 Maths Ext2 | Exam mark 40 | Rank 25th/45 Physics| Exam mark 64 | Rank 34th/89...
  6. toisthbe

    UAI prediction plz..

    forget it.
  7. toisthbe

    tois question about double degrees

    so if som1 does a double degree, can u drop one and keep the other?
  8. toisthbe

    lets bitch about crap selective skewls dat didnt even make into top 200 skewl ranking

    ur school must hav new buildings and stuff if its only 2years.. HOW LUCKYT!
  9. toisthbe

    lets bitch about crap selective skewls dat didnt even make into top 200 skewl ranking

    its the school on parramatta road on the way to city.. opposite all the NICE cars..u kno?
  10. toisthbe


    its true to say manyppl who do 4unit maths are nerds.. but then theres.. me..(n ppl like me) i only did 4unit maths, cos i was stupid enough to do accounting, sports and rec, and IT...(i dropped them all) theres alot of DUMB ASS ppl who did 4unit so that they wont need to do another...
  11. toisthbe

    What's wrong with my working? (complex no.'s q.)

    cos u're a tutor, so u want business..hehe smart ass
  12. toisthbe

    .... essential for ne hsc student....

    is it possible to FAIL hsc? if u actually work a little bit at home, thats impossbile!
  13. toisthbe

    lets bitch about crap selective skewls dat didnt even make into top 200 skewl ranking

    hornsby girls are nice!! oh yeh my school, hmm...its a puaha secret.
  14. toisthbe

    What do I need?

    its sad for ppl like benno... cos u did low scaling subjects, its practically impossbile to get over 90, if u're not a full smart ass..sigh.. but 70 for u no worries, as long as u dont slack off.. for eg, me.. i didn't even try at school this year, but ppl say i'm goin to get 80 no...
  15. toisthbe

    toisthbe has found his course!

    yup its a mixture of business, computing, engineering..
  16. toisthbe

    2 WEEKS OF SCHOOL LEFT... thoughts?

    i've been waiting for 17 1/2 years..
  17. toisthbe

    Repeating Yr 12??

    when i say repeat year 12, i mean actually repeating, doin the whole year again, all tests , attending all classes.. if u're going half tafe and half school or somthing like that.. THAN THATS GOOD... but in my opinion.. repeating year 12 fully, its stupid stupid.. waste a whole year of...