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  1. toisthbe

    PORT STEPHENS, need facts, cos im goin on monday..

    cool im writing all this down..yeh so toboganing, fishing, dolphins, hiking, indoor rock climb, is there putput?? hehe
  2. toisthbe

    PORT STEPHENS, need facts, cos im goin on monday..

    ten pin!! u can do that in sydney! cool i like tobogoganin.. hmm not much we can do in 3 days..damn
  3. toisthbe

    PORT STEPHENS, need facts, cos im goin on monday..

    i wanna kno wat good sites to take photos wif friends i wanna kno where is fun places to go to... u kno..those stufff
  4. toisthbe

    PORT STEPHENS, need facts, cos im goin on monday..

    yeh anyone been there, can ne1 suggest where to go, we already got accomondation, and rented a tarago but..alli kno is we're gonna fish there. but wast else?
  5. toisthbe

    does ne1 hav score for "bright lights" by "matchbox20"

    if u do, could u sned to me, or tell me where i can download it? THANX!
  6. toisthbe

    quick question

    dont wory.
  7. toisthbe

    is economics the easiest subject?

    eco is so easy, jus read wat teachers n textbooks n internet gibs u.. stupid 3/4maths, u gota do questions.. stupid english, gota find related text stupid physics..!!! jus stupid in general..
  8. toisthbe

    Extra 5 UAI points?

    10 seirously? so if a friend got codes for death, divorce, criminal, n youth allowance, would he get upto 10?
  9. toisthbe

    the expected essay questions on Eco 2003

    whoa interesting..
  10. toisthbe

    Where are you people all up to?

    started studing intensively todayi'm very organised u see.. 4 topics in 4 days :)
  11. toisthbe

    This year's HSC

    english/hard 3/4math/hard physics/hard eco/i'd say its gonna be HARD~!
  12. toisthbe

    The Shittest Movie Ever.

    '7 years in tibet' was pretty the shit.
  13. toisthbe

    Extra 5 UAI points?

    so the amount of extra UAI points depend on the severity of ur disadvantages? for eg, the amount of codes?
  14. toisthbe

    Extra 5 UAI points?

    according to.. me..hehhe, i believe that it doesn't actually solely depend on the uni.. if the code that u applied for is accepted, u will recieve a letter from uac, acknowledging ur aplicaation... and from that, depending on the courses from different unis, u could only get 2.. or 4...
  15. toisthbe


    lol funny poll..
  16. toisthbe

    does anyone hav 'raiden fighters' rom??

    if u do can u send it to me or tell me where i could get it? i always wanted to play that game, cos i played it when i was like 8 or somthing n loved it...
  17. toisthbe

    Colesmyer - Kmart

    at my group induction training it was about 90% girls, 10% guys. any else notice that?
  18. toisthbe

    is it true if u failed english, u will get lower than 50uai?

    is it true if u failed english, u will get lower than 50uai?