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  1. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    Yes. Stability in Keneally is also good.
  2. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    Not the best choice of words I admit ;p I don't know who Seamus Lee is, although a Google search gives me this guy from Sydney uni: is that who you are referring to? If so, no.
  3. davidbarnes

    Whos been going/has gone to O-week alone?

    No, but you easily could as there is lots to do and lots of opportunity to meet people.
  4. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    Yes, I am a moderate. I also do not advocate greater expenditure on everything, there has to be boundary's. I am socially progressive on social issues and a moderate on issues of finance and economics. I am similar in views to you Lentern.
  5. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    I thoguht you had said that before. As the Previous Posts by a user search function is broken I can't find it now.
  6. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    Are you not an international student? I was under the impression you were.
  7. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    ? Why? Azure, do you want to see this great nation of Australia flourish even if you are a FOB? If so, we can't let the Liberals ruin NSW furthur.
  8. davidbarnes

    Free Brendon O'Connell

    It probably is a bit harsh if he had no criminal record or anything. I'd say he got 3 years because more because he refused to acknowledge the Judge and abide by court procedure etc than of his abusive actions.
  9. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    These guys sound better than both Labor or the Greens.
  10. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    1. Even most Liberals will admit the sale of Telstra wasn't their most glorified moment and it hasn't worked that great. Telstra had (until only a few months back) a legalized market monopoly basically. 2. Yeah, Commonwealth Bank is profitable. Too bad the Australian people don't get those...
  11. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    Didn't realize it was from their site, just searched in Google News. However, after looking at their site, they seem pretty decent actually. I.e.
  12. davidbarnes

    Free Brendon O'Connell

    No, I am a realist, not some wannabe internet warrior like you.
  13. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    When has the public benefited in Australia from something being privatized? CommonwealthBank? No Telstra? No Sydney Airport? No and the list goes on...
  14. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    I'm not saying either party is great, but the enemy you know s better than the enemy you don't.
  15. davidbarnes

    Free Brendon O'Connell

    At first I was sympathetic with reading that quoted text. However I then read the SMH article about it ( which doesn't spin it in a biased way and now agree with the 3 year sentence...
  16. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    Public transport is slow, dirty and quite often unsafe. Not to mention some suburbs don't have transport, whiel other suburbs which were going to get train lines have now had them cancelled by the Liberals.
  17. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    I question the accuracy of your 3 billion dollar figure first off. However they are also cutting more than that from the budget, so there will be a net negative spend in the result. I'm no economist but I fai lto see how they can provide more services, more infrastructure and more jobs without...
  18. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    Yes. Transport across Sydney is pretty bad really compared to other global cities.
  19. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    I wasn't aware the Liberals had in some terms backed down on that, sorry about that. What you quoted is a bit selective though. I.e. if we look at other parts of the article: So not a sale, but a 'long term lease' - in the end we will end up paying a lot more for water as a result. if...