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  1. davidbarnes

    Do you think climate change is real, and man made?

    Its not a tax that will be introduced, it is a price of carbon emissions, then moving to an emissions trading scheme of carbon emissions.
  2. davidbarnes

    Julian Assange to be extradited

    Wikileaks is good but I personally dislike Assange. He's being extracted in accord with the international compliance of the UK as anyone else would be.
  3. davidbarnes

    Do you think climate change is real, and man made?

    Its not a massive breach of trust at all, it is the fulfillment of an election commitment and has been Labor party policy since at least 2006. Carbon pricing and ETS are a good thing, it is necessary under situ of the Precautionary Principle.
  4. davidbarnes

    Liberals propose WorkChoices 2.0!

    That was actually one of the few good things about it.
  5. davidbarnes

    Liberals propose WorkChoices 2.0!

    I think I will simply ignore you from now on if all you want to do is resort to childish name calling and cannot be civilized.
  6. davidbarnes


    Matthew Goodwin troll fail...
  7. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    What an idiot you are. You fail to see the real world outside of your 4chan meme basement you live in.
  8. davidbarnes

    Soldiers are not heroes

    Do you not remember 9/11, Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan? I certainly do.
  9. davidbarnes

    Soldiers are not heroes

    Al Qaeda and terrorism etc.
  10. davidbarnes

    Soldiers are not heroes

    They are not murdering, they are defending US (you and e and all other Australians).
  11. davidbarnes

    Liberals propose WorkChoices 2.0!

    No. Absolutely not. Show me a country though that can function where there is 90% unemployment? It would never happen.
  12. davidbarnes

    Soldiers are not heroes

    Yeah, tehres been a few cases, althoguh teh soldiers have been sentenced to life in Leavenworth military prison, possibly some the death penalty even.
  13. davidbarnes

    Liberals propose WorkChoices 2.0!

    I'm not a member of any political party so don't lie and say I am please.
  14. davidbarnes

    Soldiers are not heroes

    Those soldiers are acting outside of the law though and would be jailed if intent was shown and it could be proved, just like any other person who committed those acts would be.
  15. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    Liberals are traditionally for business and business owners. WorkChoices stripped many workers of entitlements they previously had and reduced their per hour take home pay. Employees also had to sign these new agreements or be without a job, i.e. they had no choice but to take a reduction in...
  16. davidbarnes

    Liberals propose WorkChoices 2.0!

    At least unions are fighting for the working people though, not some multi million or billion dollar company.
  17. davidbarnes

    Liberals propose WorkChoices 2.0!

    Labor saved us from the worst of the 2008-2010 Economic recession. Liberals do give more employment freedom to employers, although this is bad for all employees.
  18. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    Of course I know the difference between State and Federal Liberal. Although at the core, their core values (i.e. their ideology) are the same.
  19. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    That is a valid sentence. In essence it means we have seen and experienced the effects of the Liberals WorkChoices policies.
  20. davidbarnes

    Liberals propose WorkChoices 2.0!

    For a start, Labor repealled WorkChoices and gave fairer working conditions back to the Australian people.