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  1. davidbarnes

    ENGG1000 Project URGENT!!

    Civil did give 1000 free pages per semester last year, although yeah as above its cancelled now. Anyone know anywhere else that is free to print and can also login?
  2. davidbarnes

    First day at uni

    Some people in lectures are retarded. There was one guy today who had an iPad in front of me today. He played games on it for a while then decided he would write in Chinese on it, hold it up and wave it about until what I assume is a friend of his across the room saw it and done the same thing...
  3. davidbarnes

    which mobile phone carrier are you with?

    Telstra. They are pissing me off lately though as I can't recharge anymore with my credit card. I used to be able to recharge with my credit card although now it always says my cards are declines (when I am using the right/same details and there is money in them). Googling it reveals this...
  4. davidbarnes

    Do you think climate change is real, and man made?

    Combet will be prime minister one day, within the next 10 years.
  5. davidbarnes

    How much Aid

    Making threats online like that can land you in serious trouble Christian. After the Columbine and Virginia Tech massacares in the US etc, police take those sorts of online threats very carefully and as a criminal matter.
  6. davidbarnes

    How much do you have in bank?

    Commonwealth bank atms were giving out free money this afternoon apparently.
  7. davidbarnes

    ENGG1000 Project URGENT!!

    Wheres the free printing at? Look on the engg1000 website, I bet the meeting times/locations are listed on there. Engg1000 is a bludge subject basically.
  8. davidbarnes

    How much Aid

    You're an idiot. In the 21st century today, people have more of a right to internet than they do for telecommunications copper connection given that an itnernet connection is dual purpose.
  9. davidbarnes

    What have you eaten today?

    Re: What did you eat today thread? I can't really expalin it much simpler. I don't eat meat normally however when I was drunk I did. At first it was accidental (i.e. I didn't realize there was meat in it), then after I was halfway through it and realized what I was eating I just thought I...
  10. davidbarnes

    Is it possible to not go to lectures and still do well?

    Most people couldn't do it. Some people are exceptions though. Not something you'd recommend though.
  11. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    O'Farrel didn't have much of a good day today. Then again, any day the NSW Liberals are in the new it means they've screwed up somehow or are cutting some program or jobs.
  12. davidbarnes

    Soldiers are not heroes

    I am not an enemy of freedom, nor do I believe in repression of opinion. It is in fact you that is for repression of opinion in my opinion. I function just fine thank you.
  13. davidbarnes

    BOS University Guide: A Complete Guide to 1st Year Uni [A Work In Progress]

    Re: Complete Guide to 1st Year Uni Course notes are the official notes for the course. They are usually better than lecture notes and essential.
  14. davidbarnes

    Soldiers are not heroes

    I agree with you. It wouldn't surpise me if a lot of people in here have also broken some Australian laws with regards to hate speech and the hate of the armed forces. That alone is reason enough for the thread to be closed.
  15. davidbarnes

    Soldiers are not heroes

    I wouldn't be so sure of that.
  16. davidbarnes

    UNSW Food Guide

    Re: UNSW Food - Expensive or Cheap? Its quicker to walk than wait for a bus most of the time.
  17. davidbarnes

    First day at uni

    So you're a lesbian?
  18. davidbarnes

    Soldiers are not heroes

    It really is time the title was changed and this thread locked.
  19. davidbarnes

    UNSW Food Guide

    Re: UNSW Food - Expensive or Cheap? Or you could walk up the hill for 10 minutes instead. Subway is defiantly better value.
  20. davidbarnes

    First day at uni

    - It's pretty hard to draw a diagram on a computer that would take you only a few seconds to do on a piece of paper with a pen. - A computer is pretty much useless altogether to math subjects. I fail to see how anyone is fast or concise enough to copy down math solutions on a computer faster...