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  1. davidbarnes


    I believe it was technically it was supposed to be by today. However so long as they get done by the end of the month they won't kick you out. If you are an international student (which I don't think you are) it may be different though.
  2. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    I've got nothing against O'Farrel either, I like him personally, I just don't like the team behind him. Likewise with Labor, I like Keneally although some of the team behind her are not the best. In my opinion the only decent NSW Liberal members are Barry O'Farrel and Gladys Berejikilian...
  3. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    Why do you want to rob workers? I've got a friend who is running in the state elction this year (for one of the big parties). They are not expected to win however, more of a gear up/experience for them having a go in a more winnable electorate next election.
  4. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    Your views seem more normal, thus they do not correspond to the views of most of the trolls (and it is just that, they are trolling and boosting their ePeen and 4chan meme personas) here.
  5. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    O'Farrel had to come out and say that after his front benchers publicly proposed cutting public holidays. Hardly instills confidence does that.
  6. davidbarnes

    Do you think climate change is real, and man made?

    Hydrorage's English is clearly better than that of you Lolsmith and most of your fellow trolls here. I know you are from Mt Druitt Lolsmith/Christian though, so lol...
  7. davidbarnes

    First day at uni

    Haven't had a female lecturer yet in engineering/science.
  8. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion NSW Liberal frontbenchers propose cutting public holidays in NSW to save small businesses money (by not having to pay double time). This is how you lose two 'unloseable' elections in...
  9. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    Star NSW Liberal candidate scandal with ICAC inquiry and alleged corruption:
  10. davidbarnes


    You must run.
  11. davidbarnes

    Free Printing. Pass Card. Approvel Label.

    It used to be you got 1000 free pages of printing per semester in the Civil building if you done Civil eng although they cancelled that at the start of this year and there is no free printing there anymore. You have to be authorized for that access (i.e. comp labs after hours access etc). If...
  12. davidbarnes


    Looking at Google Maps, Rainbow street is a long way from unsw, no way can you walk to unsw from there in 5 minutes. How many times did it take everyone to pass their practical driving test?
  13. davidbarnes

    guide to craming

    I hope you don't intent cramming for English.
  14. davidbarnes

    What have you eaten today?

    Re: What did you eat today thread? Peanut Butter on Toast Subway Museli bar x 2 Cheese & Bacon balls (these do not actually contain bacon) Cheese on toast Chocolate bar Iced coffee Coffee x 3 or 4
  15. davidbarnes

    ENGG1000 Project URGENT!!

    How is it not compulsory? If you don't do it, you pretty much fail.
  16. davidbarnes

    Any point to getting high marks?

    Honestly I'd put money on you not completing the degree.
  17. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    Vote Labor, O'Farrel will tax us more and cut jobs basically. Unless you are one of those fetish anarchists, don't vote Liberal.
  18. davidbarnes

    Scanning stuff in bulk

    UNSW scanners charge 4c a page, although you have to scan each page manually. You could go to the UNSW PPP print place, although they'd obviously charge more and may not do it as it violates copyright technically.