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  1. davidbarnes

    Japan's nuclear plant meltdown

    With regards to the International Nuclear Event Scale:
  2. davidbarnes

    Japan's nuclear plant meltdown

    In the past hour radiation levels have continued to rise and those 50 workers have also been evacuated now. There is no personnel at the Fukushima plant. Taking that into account it seems unlikely a complete meltdown of two (if not all three) of the reactors can be stopped now with Japanese...
  3. davidbarnes

    What happens if you pay your fees late?

    They are lenient and it should be fine. So long as you pay (and they receive I guess) before the 31st of March which is the date where they threaten to cancel your enrollment etc if you haven't sorted it by then.
  4. davidbarnes

    Japan's nuclear plant meltdown

    Are you reatarded or just an idiot?
  5. davidbarnes

    Soldiers are not heroes

    If you say so.
  6. davidbarnes

    Soldiers are not heroes

    Lol, snowfox is a drop kick idiot who wasn't worth my time in replying to. At least you are semi intelligent.
  7. davidbarnes

    Japan hit by 8.9 earthquake then tsunami

    Total of 3 nuclear reactors declared emergencies now.
  8. davidbarnes

    Difference between asian imports and Australian born asians

    Are you retarded or just act that way?
  9. davidbarnes

    Soldiers are not heroes

    If you like I will rephrase that. They are not 'freedom fighters' a.k.a. terrorists.
  10. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    Does it really matter where he lives? Stop sterotyping.
  11. davidbarnes

    Who's getting pokemon black and white?

    The creator of Pokemon was apparently killed in the japan quake yesterday.
  12. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    The Greens are not that far off of that occurring actully. You could have all the wealth in the world although if you have no water, no food, no shelter etc then you have nothing. People are startig to realize this and it will only increase.
  13. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    You guys are mostly a bunch of anarchist idiots
  14. davidbarnes

    transferring programs

    What do you want to transfer into?
  15. davidbarnes

    Skipping Lectures

    That is weak. 8 hours is nothing a week and yet you still bludge out and not attend. Try doing 24 hours of lectures/tutes a week mate before you can even think about complaining.
  16. davidbarnes

    Where the furk is Goldstein G06?

    It is the building behind the green medicine building up near the top bus stop and behind the Clancy auditorium. Old brick building.
  17. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    You don't know her, I do.
  18. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion

    Why? She is a genuinely nice person with certainly a real interest.
  19. davidbarnes

    NSW State Election Campaign discussion She is a good person.