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  1. Scissors

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    hey guys, can i also come?
  2. Scissors

    People with Opposite-Sex Siblings: Question

    thanks man. :shy: no but seriously, i might've hugged my dad once or twice when i was a baby. i doubt i've ever hugged my brothers.
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    People with Opposite-Sex Siblings: Question

    i think this is a pretty intersting topic. having no sisters, i really can't comment on it though. but talking about my brothers, i don't think i've EVER hugged any of them. i don't think i've even hugged my dad. and i like it this way.
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    Homosexuality in Australia

    david ben gurion is nolan? i thought it would be neb.
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    Israel troops admit Gaza abuses

    AHAHAHAHAHA seriously james, you're pretty funny.
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    Israel troops admit Gaza abuses

    but i do think that if palestine was given the chance, they'd be just as bad, if not worse, than israel.
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    Israel troops admit Gaza abuses

    no they're not.
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    Israel troops admit Gaza abuses

  9. Scissors

    Israel troops admit Gaza abuses

    you're probably right. i'm pretty sure palestine would bomb the fuck out of israel given half the chance.
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    Israel troops admit Gaza abuses

    i'm going to have to side with venom on this one. palestine's 'war crimes' hardly compare to israel's. the worst thing palestinians have done is maybe slaughter one or two israelis. not really comparable to israel's war crimes.
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    Muslim Students demands muslim ONLY Prayer room at RMIT

    yeah, re wrote about the 'satanic verses' in the quran. it caused massive havoc.
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    Israel troops admit Gaza abuses

    how many israels are there? lol.
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    Homosexuality in Australia

    ahahaha, this guy must be trolling. venom, you're fucking with us all aren't you?
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    Homosexuality in Australia

    you are a nut.
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    Homosexuality in Australia

    why the fuck would someone choose to be gay? why would people CHOOSE to put themselves in a situation where people like you would herass them?
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    Muslim Students demands muslim ONLY Prayer room at RMIT

    you're dumb. i've looked those verses up in a quran that i recieved from some muslim association in dubai. they're in there.
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    Muslim Students demands muslim ONLY Prayer room at RMIT

    Unbelievers 2:191, And slay them wherever ye catch them 2:193, And fight them on until there is no more Tumult or oppression 2:216...
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    Muslim Students demands muslim ONLY Prayer room at RMIT

    ahahaha, there's a lot more violence than that.
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    Muslim Students demands muslim ONLY Prayer room at RMIT

    says the guy with the burning israeli flag in his avatar.