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  1. Scissors

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    your name is hassan. how does that motherfucker know?!!?!
  2. Scissors

    Muslim Students demands muslim ONLY Prayer room at RMIT

    james, you're fucking scum. and you're not funny. not in the slightest.
  3. Scissors

    I cant get her out of my head.

  4. Scissors

    I cant get her out of my head.

    this is correct. she's probably just using you for your car.
  5. Scissors

    Is Rock and Roll evil?

    asperger's definitely.
  6. Scissors

    Is Rock and Roll evil?

    i think xpac has asperger's.
  7. Scissors

    Is Rock and Roll evil?

    what a silly thread.
  8. Scissors

    Josef Fritzl sentenced to life

    bankstown station rite now. u bring ur boyz, i bring mine.
  9. Scissors

    Josef Fritzl sentenced to life

    have you seen a picture of her? she's a dog. josef obviously knew that the girl would grow up sexually deprived. he was doing her a service.
  10. Scissors

    Josef Fritzl sentenced to life

    if i were him i'd kill myself. he's 76 years old, he's already lived the better part of his life.
  11. Scissors

    'Prophet carpet' goes for $5.5m

    i'm agnostic. i was born muslim though.
  12. Scissors

    'Prophet carpet' goes for $5.5m

    because you sound insane.
  13. Scissors

    Marcus Einfeld

    should've been sentenced to death imho.
  14. Scissors

    'Prophet carpet' goes for $5.5m

    lol. ur a spastic. aren't u muslim?
  15. Scissors

    Anyone here do strength training?

    yeah dude, it's known as power lifting. and yeah, you should adopt that technique. it's much better to lift heavy weights and only do a few reps, than lift light weights and do many reps.
  16. Scissors

    Pope claims condoms aggravate AIDS

    "whacking it repeatedly with a wooden spoon until it goes all soft again." AHAHAHAHAHA.
  17. Scissors

    'Prophet carpet' goes for $5.5m

    oh, yeah, probably. i see what you're saying.
  18. Scissors

    'LOL' fruit drink?

    dude, you buy cheap shit. what do you expect?
  19. Scissors

    'Prophet carpet' goes for $5.5m

    i don't know, but the whole thing looks wrong. every muslim has to be buried in dirt.