Search results

  1. Scissors

    for the GUYS! wat do you look for in a girl?

    i want to be able to call my significant other a bitch without any repercussions.
  2. Scissors

    how do i get the battery and network icons back on my taskbar?

    they've vanished. jews took them. how do i bring them back?
  3. Scissors

    Is SEX overrated?

    wtf? this isn't namu.
  4. Scissors

    Should pre-marital sex be illegal?

    sounds reasonable enough. but what can we do to stop men having sex with each other? same idea?
  5. Scissors

    Pope claims condoms aggravate AIDS

    Re: Condoms aggravate AIDS the pope is a dope. god that's good.
  6. Scissors

    Scenario: Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend breaks up with you...

    next time you do it, can you please video tape it?
  7. Scissors

    Wireless internet

    nah, go ahead, use it. if they didn't want others using it, motherfuckers should have put a lock on it.
  8. Scissors

    How do i meet more guys?

    sure. (please bring me a condom. i have no money)
  9. Scissors

    Dont understand him?

    lol johnny smith. what a silly name.
  10. Scissors

    How do i meet more guys?

    fineeeee, i'll fuck you. geez.
  11. Scissors

    bitch! i told you not to talk to me in front of my friends!

    bitch! i told you not to talk to me in front of my friends!
  12. Scissors

    Why are softdrinks bad for you?

    apparently there was a test done where some scientists poured soft drink on a bone of a pig and it began to erode.
  13. Scissors

    Supplementing pay

    you've got to go through an employment agency like skilled, labourforce, etc. give SKILLED a call and ask for an interview and induction. they'll make you an appointment and you just go in, register, and then they'll also set you up with an onsite induction. go to their website and check it...
  14. Scissors


    hi, i don't give a shit. :)
  15. Scissors

    Supplementing pay

    if you're willing to do some relatively hard work, then look into some factory work. as in process work. the conditions aren't the best, and it'll probably be harder than your now job, but the money would be better.
  16. Scissors

    Supplementing pay

    are you taking a gap year or something?
  17. Scissors

    Rules for Customers

    oh yeah, i see where you're coming from. some bogans say "a couple" when they really mean "a few".
  18. Scissors

    Rules for Customers

    why? a couple of hundred = $200. pretty simple.