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  1. Scissors

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    get rid of that picture you sick fuck.
  2. Scissors

    Shallow life.....what you think about it?

    got rid of the last bit. :spin:
  3. Scissors

    Shallow life.....what you think about it?

    look matt, if it'll make you feel better, i'll take your virginity. i'll have sex with you.
  4. Scissors

    Retaking the HSC

    lol. get the fuck over school. you're like 100 years old. why don't you enter uni as a mature age student?
  5. Scissors

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    pretty sure they also fight for islam.
  6. Scissors

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    iron's catching on now.
  7. Scissors

    The Official Hip-Hop/R&B Thread 2009

    agrred with chris. spm is a fag. so what's this movie?
  8. Scissors

    Who got 100 UAI in 2008?

    hey man, what was your rank in the state? overall? do you know?
  9. Scissors

    Hair Straighteners

    you can't fucking speak to namu like that! he came first in the state for maths bitch! <3 you namu.
  10. Scissors

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    come on now brother nolan. wouldn't you be excited by the prospect of someone you hate being punched?
  11. Scissors

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    i agree. we need hamas to get the fuck out of government. that, however, will not happen anytime soon. palestinians are just really excited by the thought of a group that has as its main objective to fuck up israel.
  12. Scissors

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    but do you really think that israel would stop its crusade if hamas, or any other palestinian for that matter, stopped firing rockets and other explosives? we've seen how ruthless they are through this attack. israel won't stop until it controls the whole of the arab peninsula.
  13. Scissors

    Blood Diamond

    short sleeve long sleeve?
  14. Scissors

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    impractical. israel isn't going anywhere any time soon. all arab nations united wouldn't be able to defeat israel. i'm not saying we should just lay down and concede defeat, but we need a new approach sooner rather than later.
  15. Scissors

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    i think palos need to oust hamas asap and elect a new government. hamas is doing nothing to better the lives of those it has a duty of care to. all it's doing is aggravating the situation. palestinians need a leader who isn't as hell bent on destroying israel. a leader who's willing to work...
  16. Scissors

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    :spin: another rock thrower. i thought i was the only rock thrower on this website.
  17. Scissors

    Can you wear WHATEVER you want to uni?

    what if i turn up topless?
  18. Scissors

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    fuck, those videos are actually pretty sad. i only watched the first two.
  19. Scissors

    Backpacks for uni

    i'm just gonna use my old school bag.
  20. Scissors

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    lol. we're crazy. :o