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Israel–Gaza conflict (3 Viewers)


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
John Oliver said:
Dude the Egyptians went on the record saying most of the discord in the area was caused by Iranian intervention. That is absolutely huge.
Yeah, but nobody with half a brain believes anything that comes out of the mouths of the Egyptian leadership. It's a dictatorship that runs faux elections with the same clown in power for decades.

It's a propoganda campaign playing on the Egyptian peoples prejudices to halt their now apparent unwaivering support to the Palestinians. This support has now solidified and all the propoganda in the world will not change it while this injustice continues. Infact there were fears amongst Egyptian leadership of military coup, so you can understand why they're scared.

Palestinians, aimed to finally break their exhausted, bizarre and hateful struggle to unconditionally 'drive the Zionists into the sea'.
More propoganda. The Palestinians have attempted on many occasions to work out a settlement with Israel showing that the mentality of the past where they would not accept any Israeli state has gone. Morally should they have accepted such a state? Well according to the first Israeli Prime Minister, Hell no they shouldn't. But Israel is the state who is defying international law and attempting to drive the Palestinians into the sea. Not vice versa. The continued claims that "so and so" wants to wipe Israel off the map is a propoganda line and has been disproven countless times.

The only organisation in the middle east which even shows signs of such a mentality is the group which Israel endorsed when the other groups were busy trying to achieve peace. As to the withdrawal of Gaza, it was an area densely populated with arabs and only served to house more arabs in an Israeli state. They could not accept that because of what I said earlier. The Zionists want a state as big as possible with as little muslims and christians as possible.


Aug 16, 2007
letis go back to the base of the problem.... land was given to Israel that did not belong to them by force (in the 50s)


Oct 22, 2008
John Oliver said:
After the local Palestinians began shipping off the Jews who escaped from the Nazis, back to the Nazis, by the thousands.

we're crazy. :eek:
Jul 22, 2006
John Oliver said:
Moment of Honesty: 600+ dead civilians is a travesty, and it shows how utterly outdated and ineffectual the Israeli military tactics are. It also consolidates the notion that the Israelis really don't care for the Palestinians at all.

Whilst I feel it undermines and excoriates Israel's tactics, I do not feel it has any impact on their mandate to protect and secure their borders and their people.
Finally, i didn't think you'd say that. :p

Now two links of American&British people, one was in a protest and the other was a photographer. Check the summary and see how they died.
Rachel Corrie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tom Hurndall - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Youtube links;
YouTube - This is the Israeli peace
YouTube - Treatment of Palestinians
YouTube - ZIONIST ISRAEL & PALESTINE: Bittersweet Symphony <At around the 5th minute+ you see Israeli soldiers pointing their guns at children. Kids who don't look older than 5years old. How this is accepted, is something i will never understand.
YouTube - A new history lesson! Once again, past the 5th minute you see the violence, & before that it;s mainly about censorship.
YouTube - Treatment towards Palestinian schoolboy by "israel" 40 second clip.

I can post a billion links, but i'm sure everyone here gets the point. If the Israeli soldiers weren't such bastards the Palestinians wouldn't hate them as much as they do.
one thing that shits me about Israel is that they say 'we don't want the Palestinians lands!!!' yet Israel seems to grow as time goes on.

About the British Mandate, i don;t like nor agree with it. You cannot/shouldn't be allowed to sell something that isn't yours. Wasn't it the League of Nations who made the mandate and 'gave Palestine' to Britain? Why are they allowed to give it away, if people live in a country which is THEIRS why should some international crap have any affect on it? It's not like the UN can give NZ to Australia. & if the UN could do that, would it be accepted like Israel was accepted?
*gets ready to be attacked*

&Shroe, i do agree, the Palestinians returning the Jews to the Nazis is wrong but it doesn't make selling/splitting/giving half of Palestine to the Jews any better. According to wikipedia [yeah i suck at finding better sources], the Jews started to migrate between 1920 and 1945, and over 30,000 Jews [&over 3,000 non Jews[?]] moved to Israel, there wasn't much conflict then, until all the Anti Semestic crap happened and A LOT of Jews moved to Israel. Thats when all the fighting started.
Also, with the whole 'returning the Nazis' thing, do you hate Germans? Do you think Germany should be given to the Jews, because the Germans were the ones who let this get so big?

I mean i do get both sides, Jews want a place to stay in without anyone telling them off, and Palestinians want to live in their homes but as more Jews move to Israel it means they'll have to start moving too. It comes down to who you think 'owns' the land.

One more thing, if Hamas stopped firing rockets, and the rest of the 'terrorist' groups did too, do you people think Israel should return a bit of the land they stole off the Palestians? Or that they should stop the whole 'body search' thing? Or that when people cross the roads, they should stop blindfolding them/looking like theyre dragging them accross the streets? Will Israeli soldiers stop harrassing Palestinians? Will they let them get all the supplies they need? Will they keep destroying homes?

How much will actually change? Everyone here seems to think if Hamas stop fighting then 'peace' can be acheived, what exactly is 'peace'? Do the Palestinians get their freedom?

Now images from some chain letter sent to me yesterday.
Human sheild;

Israeli pointing his gun at a terrorist.

Terrorist found?;

Live Burial Torture,

hmm, yes. Israeli soldiers are lovely creatures, are they not? Nice work Israel!:eek:


Oct 22, 2008
fuck, those videos are actually pretty sad. i only watched the first two.


John Oliver said:
They used to occupy Gaza and they returned it.

They returned gaza and look how well that worked out for them.
The use of the word returned here is very loose at best. Whilst they returned the land in one sense, they continued to blockade it and dominate it militarily, denying them decent living conditions, which is functionally the same as occupying it.


Tomcat Pilot
Mar 9, 2006
Miramar, CA
John Oliver said:
Dude the Egyptians went on the record saying most of the discord in the area was caused by Iranian intervention. That is absolutely huge.
Egypt is scared of Israel.


Tomcat Pilot
Mar 9, 2006
Miramar, CA
Exphate said:
All good ey, except for the fact the Israelis openned the conflict with air raids that raped the air force of the Egyptians.
Not before Egypt had a buildup of like 100,000 troops on Israel's doorstep.


Google &quot;9-11&quot; and &quot;truth&quot;
Dec 20, 2004
Page 8 of the Hearld has a photograph of Israel dropping white phosphorus over a built-up area, perhaps even a child's playground.


Ecclesiastical Die-Hard
Jul 14, 2004
The buildup and blockade was clearly a prelude to war. To quote Nasser in May 1967, before Israel's pre-emptive strike, "Our basic objective will be the destruction of Israel. The Arab people want to fight."


Oct 6, 2007
just do a google search you fucking twat

edit: how is CNN quoting UN officials inaccurate?


Oct 6, 2007
John Oliver said:
I'll accept BBC not CNN you moron.

anyway, thats not the point. the point is: Israel is targeting U.N aid workers


Oct 14, 2004
John Oliver said:
They used to occupy Gaza and they returned it.
What of the continually growing number of illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank? I would suggest that was a large part of SIQ's point, also, their continued occupation of Arab lands given by that UN group.

On an aside, since Israel has ignored the UN's demand to stop this awful massacre, do teh Arabs now have justification for ignoring Israel's right to exist, given by the UN also? :D

Welcome to colonialism. Do we return all lands to their indigenous owners? The Ottoman empire collapsed, to the victors go the spoils, basically.
The UN can't give NZ to Australia because they aren't an occupying colonialist power. Were the NZ government in a complete state of collapse and NZ in a state of Anarchy, I'm sure Australia would annex NZ.
Those are vastly different situations. Whilst there had been quite a lot of Jewish emigration to then Palestine, the creation of Israel was after the absolute horrors of the Holocaust, and to provide the Jews with a protection that such an atrocity would never happen again.
Concerning all this, I do still believe that the creation of Israel was a dastardly act and had no, eh, justification. But it's in the past, is my view, and as it stands we've got a bunch of violent Jews living next to a bunch of violent Arabs. Never mind what happened then, everyone should try to make the best of what is there now. Concessions by both sides, my friends!

Also, I very much doubt Israel was created for the protection of the Jews. That makes no sense.

They returned gaza and look how well that worked out for them.
stfu Jew. Don't paint the return of Gaza as anything approaching a positive thing. They withdrew their forces but locked off the country to trade, starved it of food, water and power, and continue to control its air and naval space. Now that their half assed "return" of Gaza led to them being attacked by a bunch of pissed off Arabs (rightfully so), they've begun occupying it again. ISRAEL NEEDS TO MAKE ACTUAL CONCESSIONS. THIS MEANS MORE THAN GAZA.

Peace is a secular state being established by fatah in partnership with Israel. Between what Sam's pointed out in regards to the foundation of Hamas and how right wing the Knesset is getting, I don't think this is happening any time soon.
Eh, Hamas was democratically elected by the Gazans. Israel has to work with them. This campaign is going to increase their numbers and support, much like what happened with Hezbollah. Peace means working with the Palestinians, and not just the ones that Israel believes are happy chaps.

Completely unnecessary, I could show you 400x more photos of Islamic extremists committing atrocities. Make the argument on facts or don't make it at all, emotion clouds judgement and causes such atrocities to occur.
The point of this, and my regular links to the Israeli press, being that Israel is far from the peaceful bringer of democracy and freedom in the Mid East that you and your band of Jews make it out to be.

jb_nc said:
Page 8 of the Hearld has a photograph of Israel dropping white phosphorus over a built-up area, perhaps even a child's playground.
Looked like a carpet/cluster bomb type thing to me. In any case, it doesn't look terribly accurate.


Oct 14, 2004
smh said:
The UN human rights chief warned a special session of the Human Rights Council on Friday that human rights violations in Gaza and some reported incidents there might warrant prosecutions for war crimes.

"The vicious cycle of provocation and retribution must be brought to an end," Navi Pillay told the council, which was holding a special session on human rights violations in the Palestinian territory.

"Accountability must be ensured for violations of international law," she said, calling for "credible, independent and transparent investigations" as a first step.

"I remind this council that violations of international humanitarian law may constitute war crimes for which individual criminal responsibility may be invoked," she added.

But the council meeting ended without agreement on a resolution after failure to agree on the term of a condemnation of human rights abuses since the Israeli intervention in Gaza.

The session is expected to decide on Monday whether or not to adopt a draft resolution tabled by Cuba, Egypt and Pakistan.

The text seeks the 47-member council's condemnation of the Israeli offensive and of the "grave human rights situation" in Gaza.

The draft resolution tabled late Friday underlined the civilian toll, especially in Gaza, and called for "the immediate cessation of Israeli military attacks" as well as an "end to the launching of crude rockets against Israeli civilians" in a concession to the European Union.

It also demanded that Israel "stop the targeting of civilians and medical facilities and staff" and that border crossings be reopened.

However the council remains deeply split and there was doubt whether an agreed text could emerge by Monday night. Some western countries see the draft as one-sided and said the resolution should condemn human rights violations by both sides and not simply call for a ceasefire.

Pillay called for an independent investigation of the violence, stressing that Israel and Palestinian militants had an obligation under international humanitarian law to care for the wounded, and to protect ambulances, hospitals, health workers, schools, civilians as well as their homes.

The High Commissioner underscored calls for a ceasefire, warning that rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip on Israel and "retaliatory" air strikes by Israel forces were "unacceptable."

"The situation is intolerable," she said, warning that the overall conditions for civilians "constitute egregious violations of human rights."

But Pillay went further, enumerating more evidence of violations of international humanitarian law from the UN agencies and the International Committee of the Red Cross, after civilians and relief workers were killed or wounded during Israeli attacks.

The meeting comes on the heels of the UN Security Council's near unanimous approval on Thursday of a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire and the unimpeded provision throughout Gaza of humanitarian assistance.

However, Hamas later rejected that resolution, and Israel followed by rejecting a ceasefire.
Gaza 'war crimes' warning - World - smh.com.au

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