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  1. Scissors

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    what we need now in palestine is a leader who isn't hung up on blowing israel into the sea, but rather someone who's willing to work with israel (if that's even possible) to broker a deal that'll work for both sides. if we don't get that soon, this ordeal isn't going to end and more and more...
  2. Scissors

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    fuck. lebanon's fucked up big time. they've made things worse. yo sam, do you support hamas?
  3. Scissors

    Wog girls --> most bitchy?

    DoN'T HaTeEE, ApPrEcIaTe!!
  4. Scissors

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    lol. another rock thrower.
  5. Scissors

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    <3 palestine. not really. nah, it's not bad. bit battered, but still good.
  6. Scissors

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    god i'm getting real tired of this story.
  7. Scissors

    girls at usyd commerce

    AGREED x 10
  8. Scissors

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    Re: Israeli Gaza Airstrikes is that from aljazeera?
  9. Scissors

    Most fun car for <$10'000?

    get yourself a series 3 rx7. now those are fun cars.
  10. Scissors

    Asians at Macquarie?

    silly asians.
  11. Scissors

    I bombed out, please help me.

    dude, do engineering at uts. heaps of people get in with uai's of 70-75.
  12. Scissors

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    Re: Israeli Gaza Airstrikes i sense sarcasm. anyway, you can't affiliate yourself with something that does not exist.
  13. Scissors

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    Re: Israeli Gaza Airstrikes and in comes aryanbeauty. yo aryan, answer my question. am i half jew?
  14. Scissors

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    Re: Israeli Gaza Airstrikes
  15. Scissors

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    Re: Israeli Gaza Airstrikes there's no such thing as "palestinian territories". it's a myth.
  16. Scissors

    Take a look at how accurate bos member estimates are.

    ahahaha. i remember that. i'm so funny. tommy, i want your sperm.
  17. Scissors

    Israel–Gaza conflict

    Re: Israeli Gaza Airstrikes ahahaha dan, i KNEW you'd make such a comment. i was gonna make it myself, but then i thought i'd just leave it for you to make.