Search results

  1. _dhj_

    Most Over-rated/Under-rated and the most Disappointing/Surprisingly good Games?

    I thought homeworld II was okay even compared to the original. Nothing much changed really.. Cataclysm was probably a better game though.
  2. _dhj_

    DFEE higher in one uni than other why?

    I think unsw has more places for law in general? Generally when it comes to the DFEE places only the stand-out "top" uni (that is, usyd) will have a high cut-off because there are alternatives like CSP at UTS.
  3. _dhj_

    Could someone look over my first contract law assignment?

    I think you're taking in too much university propaganda there. Proof-reading isn't "plagerism".
  4. _dhj_

    Julie Bishop's Vision for Education in Australia (Merged)

    Re: Julie Bishop: "Perfomance-Based Pay" for Teachers I'm against this idea. As to what distinguishes teaching from other professions I'm not exactly sure. But students definately shouldn't have a say in assessing the performance of their teachers because they don't know what's best for their...
  5. _dhj_

    "HIV Patients Not Welcome in Australia" John Howard

    And I'm saying that there is no need to provide those conditions because they will never arise in a liberal democratic society. The "weakness" of human nature - including our compassion and nature as social creatures - disallows it.
  6. _dhj_

    "HIV Patients Not Welcome in Australia" John Howard

    I just think he always insists on digging himself into a libertarian ideological hole, while frequently making references to some libertarian utopia. It's not going to happen just as perfect communism never happened.
  7. _dhj_

    Mankind Can't Influence Climate

    Wow I actually agree with what you said.
  8. _dhj_

    Teenage Flag Burner Visits Kokoda

    Oh ofcourse. :o
  9. _dhj_

    "HIV Patients Not Welcome in Australia" John Howard

    I'd imagine that most HIV positive applicants would be denied entry on health criteria. But Howard does seem to be reinforcing his "Fortress Australia" (we decide who comes to this country and the circumstances in which they come) ideology rather than actually stating some policy stance. I don't...
  10. _dhj_

    Teenage Flag Burner Visits Kokoda

    You don't "re-educate" someone for burning a flag. This isn't Nineteen Eighty-Four.
  11. _dhj_

    Teenage Flag Burner Visits Kokoda

    Oh my gawd who cares about the flag burner... either fine him or lock him up for theft and vandalism. This whole attempt at re-education is going too far
  12. _dhj_

    Law under E&B?

    I think "there's a rumour that..." is a bit of a vague way to start the topic. You should include a link to a news article or be a bit more specific about the source. You can do a major in E and B called "commercial law" though. I don't know how useful it is but certainly you wouldn't be able to...
  13. _dhj_

    Economics at Uni...

    It involves a lot of maths and calculus, as well as graphs and models.
  14. _dhj_

    UTS or Sydney Uni?

    Well put.
  15. _dhj_

    Exams - essay preparation

    Re: law exams lol are you serious?
  16. _dhj_

    Anyone choose a course for the prestige/graduate salary and regret it?

    Good on you. I think it's terribly important!
  17. _dhj_

    Favourite PC games

    Great game. Personally I think cm03/04 is the best game in the CM/FM series.
  18. _dhj_

    Most Over-rated/Under-rated and the most Disappointing/Surprisingly good Games?

    Glad someone mentioned Populous-The Beginning. What a fantastic game. Rollcage is also quite underrated. Some of my favourite underated games are: Re-Volt -remote control racer game that was great fun on N64 and also on PC. Battle Realms -fantasy RTS with some innovative features...
  19. _dhj_

    Anyone into Film Directing?

    Does anyone know of a good film directing course? I want to get into it but I'm novice. :(
  20. _dhj_

    Any ways to get a travel concession for international uni students?

    But see the purpose of a public transport subsidy is to induce people to travel by public transport rather than by cars. The price discrimination mechanism of concession fares is consistent with that purpose. It's not some type of welfare arbitrarily handed out at the expense of tax-payers.