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  1. dr baby beanie

    trapezo rule

    Are you sure??
  2. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    If only he did that for the HSC, you'd be set!! Today, stiffled many-a-giggle, trying not to disturb others during an exam - very funny exams question ;) :lol:
  3. dr baby beanie

    Notes: Typed Or Written?

    Typed coz it's soooo much eaier to change and re-write/add things to notes without having to attach loose bits of paper, especially essays :)
  4. dr baby beanie

    What topics are in your Half Year tests?

    I hope so, coz we are really, really, really far behind too.
  5. dr baby beanie

    English Ext 1 - Worth Doing?

    Extension 1 is awesome!! A lot of extension I know like the ext course more than the advance course. Also ext helps heaps with advance coz you get to see the teacher more and class discussions are normally better due to small intimate class. Go Revenge Tragedy!! :)
  6. dr baby beanie

    Muck Up Photos

    Awwe, I want muck photos. :( (we don't get them at all this year *sigh*)
  7. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    Today, sitting around procrastinating about studying for the half yearlies and co-ordinating a party outfit. :)
  8. dr baby beanie

    Premium Membership Pictorial Demo

    Depends on your subjects. :) Edit: I mean they don't have premium notes for every subject as yet.
  9. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    Heheh, my document was recovered (well I think most of it) *phew* :D
  10. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    Lolz, u make me laugh :rofl: hehe I my half-yealies for me? :p:uhhuh::) Dah, my night, it just got worse...FILE AND SAVE PEOPLE(or ctrl s)!! :mad1: ;)
  11. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    Ouch my head hurts :( My night has had a lot of ups and downs.
  12. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    O.o do you guys have the "healthy canteen policy?" (they took away our mentos and starburst lollies :() :confused:
  13. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    :wave: SoulSearcher :D Heheh, :shy: we don't actually get that many, but the sign in privileges I really do <3, (makes sleeping in a lot easier ;).) Arhh really should be studying :o :read: Good luck bosers! :)
  14. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    Lolz yeah, that's pretty paranoid. :p I <3 my senior privileges, sign in late, sign out early, leaving at lunchtime (well I would if I didn't have lunch classes). :)
  15. dr baby beanie

    Year advisor/s

    Our year advisor argues with our principal...quite funny really, especially when they pretend to get along. Other than that he organises our camps, delegates jobs (formal and jersey committees), advises us on future career paths (uni, BOS subject requirements etc) - in conjunction with other...
  16. dr baby beanie

    How short is your attention span when studying?

    Lolz, so true, stupid msn! :p I find whenever I start to study I always seem to get a text message and then just have to reply to it, then I get many distractions! .: I didn't have a study attention span to begin with!!
  17. dr baby beanie

    Weekend Progress

    :rofl: bahahah!! contrary to popular BoS belief, you don't know EVERYTHING SS!!?
  18. dr baby beanie

    Weekend Progress

    I realised part of my chem notes were missing, apart from that nothing really...stupid procrastination and other (exciting;)) distractions, hehe :p
  19. dr baby beanie

    Yr 12 Privileges

    We've had heaps of awesome camps and uni over-night residentials!! <3 the good old times :D