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  1. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    :rofl: ninja one?! ...coz they seem to change daily :)
  2. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    ^^ At least you guys know WHEN your exams are on!! :p
  3. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    Heheh :p, yeah I know what you mean, I really need to get some proper :sleep:
  4. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    Good luck gypo!! I really should be prep-ing for mine!! :)
  5. dr baby beanie

    Should I Drop Extension 1 English???

    Yeah 14 units is a bit much (but I can't talk ;)) I found that ext 1 really helped with normal english because you do more english which reinforces your skills, the ext class discussion can be better at times due to a smaller class and you get more face to face time with the teacher. :)
  6. dr baby beanie

    What's on your Year 12 Jersey?

    No, no use "beanie" ;) :p *jokes* Is it "cosmo" or something Simpson's related? :)
  7. dr baby beanie

    how true is it??

    ^^ Yeah a girl from my school did general maths and got a UAI of 96+, so it IS possible :)
  8. dr baby beanie

    Plz help me

    Depends, do you like maths ext 1/are you doing well at it? Also maths ext 1 is considered like a 'prerequisite' (but of course there are none) for some uni courses however there are bridging courses for them if you need it later. If you dropped it; you'd have 10 units and that's something...
  9. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    Well done! :D I <3 it when my friends get their P's, we've already planned our next 2 road trips...awwwe total freedom at last!! (well if it wasn't for our HSC; it would really be) :)
  10. dr baby beanie

    Which Ext-2 topics have you done?

    Hehe, I actually wouldn't mind that...I don't like being behind in maths :p We've done complex numbers and graphs...(I'm thinking there will be a definite rush towards the end *sigh* :spam: ...hmmm what's the easiest one to cover by yourself?)
  11. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    :eek:bah gah, at least mine is prettyful and colourful!! (hehe, now I know what to do for your birthday Ms Gangles...:p ;)) ohhh, now I know your weakness...PRINT THE HSC MATHS EXT 2 PAPERS IN YELLOW...=pwnage!! ... and now to find a way of reading yellow too, any ideas? :p
  12. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    Hehe, so where would you be? ;) :p ...but if you were away you'd come on next morning and see like a bazillion "hApPy BiRtHdAy SoulSearcher!!" messages :uhhuh:
  13. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY zangetsu.xo!!!
  14. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    Yeah, I knowz eh? :wave: :wave: heAaaay!!! much <3 <3 Yeah, I will start on some science notes soon too, hmmm half yealies...too much to think about right now. :)
  15. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    Killer day...that is all.
  16. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    Lectures on English. Hehe I'm tired now. :p
  17. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    I was at Sydney Uni today. It was awesome :uhhuh: :D
  18. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    :rofl: :rofl: repeat after me: "pApEr sCiSsOrS rOcK!!" Not bad, really tired, can't remember much!! Had a uni expo actually, it was quite funny when they told us they had a couple of $10 000 scholarships, that they couldn't give away, COZ NOBODY APPLIED FOR THEM!! :rofl: ...lessoned...
  19. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    lolz, I think there's a thread on it already :) And the way I say it, is neither of them :lol:
  20. dr baby beanie

    Having more than ten units

    LOL!! What makes you say that? :confused: :)