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  1. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    Haha, it pretty much was one go, seemed like a good idea at the tasty :p and now so sick :( <3 Thanks!! :D. Good luck to u too!! I'm off to study now...well gonna try :uhhuh:
  2. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    Haha I did debating...once! Lolz the first time (I wasn't part of this team) our junior team debated another school it turned out to be more of a slanging match between the two teams rather than a 'debate!' (well it wasn't their fault, we never learnt 'how' to debate and neither did the...
  3. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    That happened to me too! (maths, hehe) So then I made up with procrastination time with msn!!
  4. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    Hehe, BoS is back :D:D. Although I did actually get some work done in that time :p
  5. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    :rofl: you got that right!!
  6. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    Good for you Gangles, you'll have more time to 'study' and BoS around :lol:
  7. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    IPT this early? I'm still not at school yet. :)
  8. dr baby beanie


    hahaha, I know the feeling all to well :p yeah, I'm glad I don't do art...(but there are still vis reps do to) :)
  9. dr baby beanie


    I find it hard to start, cuz I'm a real perfectionist but the idea sounds good :)
  10. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    :D:D I had an awesome day!! :uhhuh: <3 <3 Valentines Day!! Well anyway, today me and some guy friends of mine (who shall remain nameless ;)), got dressed up as Aphrodite and Cupid (cupid-with the whole diaper/nappy thing!) respectively and delivered roses, flowers, chocolates, personal...
  11. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    :eek: I hope you remembered to include that most AWESOME and COLOURFUL e-card, I sent on Saturday!! ps I remembered 'why it caught my eye' coz it said 'chocolate' and who could miss that!! ;) HaPpY bIrThDaY (aGaIn:D)!!
  12. dr baby beanie

    What's on your Year 12 Jersey?

    Dam, there are some really clever ones and I've already picked mine, oh well. :p
  13. dr baby beanie

    Most Useful Chemistry Book..

    Yeah, those animations on the Jacaranda CD are awesome! :)
  14. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    :rofl: that's what I said!!...but it still didn't bring back BoS! edit: without the swearing though :)
  15. dr baby beanie

    How was your school day?

    I can't, it's on the restricted access list at my school :(
  16. dr baby beanie

    anyone else doing distance ed?

    ^^ hehe :p, I laugh and sympathise with all the people doing DE :uhhuh: ^^FT by DE, the pracs must be good! :rofl: If you can, I really recommend attending the open DE days (or whatever they're called), and trying to keep up with the work (or getting ahead) because DE work is really easy to...
  17. dr baby beanie

    100 uai

    ^^ a lot might have been accelerated too, ace one (or more) subject/s in one year then have more time for the other subjects the next year.
  18. dr baby beanie

    Where does all the pressure come from??

    :uhhuh: :uhhuh: can't agree more. :bomb:
  19. dr baby beanie

    About you

    Well then, (drastic times call for drastic measures), I'll have to marry SS, divorce him and get half is math's mark (or enough of it so it makes a perfect score), there that's how I'll get 100 :uhhuh: so nerrrrr :lol: rofl nichhhole, u got ash wanting u too
  20. dr baby beanie

    About you

    I like carrots! Spose ur 99092934892384 kids will eat a strict diet of carrots and fish!! To fuel their giant brains and need for super eyesight!!