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  1. C

    Does God exist?

    but ur god is LOL!
  2. C

    Science Course --> What career?

    science is for dumb people, it has no prestige
  3. C

    Does God exist?

    Re: 回复: Re: Does God exist? this is too funny
  4. C

    World Youth Day 08 Civil libertarians are outraged and gay groups say they feel intimidated after receiving calls from the NSW police "World Youth Day investigations squad" asking them about planned protests during...
  5. C

    Does God exist?

    isn't that more or less what akhenaten did? :D Lovely bloke that Jesus
  6. C

    What is your opinion of the current PM, Kevin Rudd?

    I'm too busy seething with rage at the NSW state government to care :D
  7. C

    Does God exist?

    well that didn't work very well did it? :D
  8. C

    Pedophile set free over 'fair trial' fear

    I just want another funny ped-chasing video
  9. C

    World Youth Day 08

    indulgences don't count as economic benefits >=[
  10. C

    Pedophile set free over 'fair trial' fear

    sick ACA on him :angry: :angry: :angry:
  11. C

    Does God exist?

    some fundie quotes on the KJV bible: I believe that the Authorized King James Bible of 1611 is the perfect, pure and inspired word of God. (Psalm 12:6-7). I believe that there was inspiration from God involved with the translation of the King James Version. (2 Timothy 3:16) Anything in the...
  12. C

    World Youth Day 08

    Youth Day protesters 'to offer condoms' Protesters say they are willing to break the law and hand out condoms to Catholic pilgrims during this month's World Youth Day celebrations in Sydney. Powers...
  13. C

    Does God exist?

    it's a bit pointless to have laws outside of physics and principles of chemistry, since the behaviour of all matter/energy and therefore things like life should follow from them... i.e. if you have a big enough computer, then Newton's laws & the laws of electromagnetism should explain life.
  14. C

    Does God exist?

    haha i observed one teaching year 11 bio the other day who was like "i know all the evidence for evolution but personally I'm most comfortable with creationism" bit of a "wtf" moment there also, I love emy's explanation about how someone showed her the bible and she just 'decided' to...
  15. C

    Rules for Fat People

    Sounds about right.
  16. C

    World Youth Day 08

    The new thread was justified because it was as much about civil rights as sydney catholic week only merged because the moderator is catholic :rolleyes:
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    Rules for Fat People

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    World Youth Day 08

    Re: Australia: Property of the Catholic Church they'd probably offend the older demographic... with whom those vibrating back massagers are more popular than they should be this country needs a bill of rights or something to stop these random excessive police powers being granted at every...
  19. C

    World Youth Day 08

    Australia: Property of the Catholic Church thou shalt not annoy on Youth Day Causing a stir .... Pope Benedict XVI. EXTRAORDINARY new powers will allow police to arrest and fine people for "causing annoyance" to World Youth Day participants and permit partial strip searches at hundreds of...
  20. C

    Does God exist?

    u don't really believe in science then! >=[