Search results

  1. Omium

    Greetings Fellow BOS Comrade Are you tired of leading a meaningless life ? , Are you afraid of...

    Greetings Fellow BOS Comrade Are you tired of leading a meaningless life ? , Are you afraid of the impact the global financial crisis will have on your children ? If you've answered "Yes" or "No" to either of the above questions, then its time you joined the Boredofstudies "Physics group"...
  2. Omium

    Greetings Fellow BOS Comrade Are you tired of leading a meaningless life ? , Are you afraid of...

    Greetings Fellow BOS Comrade Are you tired of leading a meaningless life ? , Are you afraid of the impact the global financial crisis will have on your children ? If you've answered "Yes" or "No" to either of the above questions, then its time you joined the Boredofstudies "Physics group"...
  3. Omium

    Greetings Fellow BOS Comrade Are you tired of leading a meaningless life ? , Are you afraid of...

    Greetings Fellow BOS Comrade Are you tired of leading a meaningless life ? , Are you afraid of the impact the global financial crisis will have on your children ? If you've answered "Yes" or "No" to either of the above questions, then its time you joined the Boredofstudies "Physics group"...
  4. Omium

    Greetings Fellow BOS Comrade Are you tired of leading a meaningless life ? , Are you afraid of...

    Greetings Fellow BOS Comrade Are you tired of leading a meaningless life ? , Are you afraid of the impact the global financial crisis will have on your children ? If you've answered "Yes" or "No" to either of the above questions, then its time you joined the Boredofstudies "Physics group"...
  5. Omium

    Greetings Fellow BOS Comrade Are you tired of leading a meaningless life ? , Are you afraid of...

    Greetings Fellow BOS Comrade Are you tired of leading a meaningless life ? , Are you afraid of the impact the global financial crisis will have on your children ? If you've answered "Yes" or "No" to either of the above questions, then its time you joined the Boredofstudies "Physics group"...
  6. Omium

    Greetings Fellow BOS Comrade Are you tired of leading a meaningless life ? , Are you afraid of...

    Greetings Fellow BOS Comrade Are you tired of leading a meaningless life ? , Are you afraid of the impact the global financial crisis will have on your children ? If you've answered "Yes" or "No" to either of the above questions, then its time you joined the Boredofstudies "Physics group"...
  7. Omium

    Greetings Fellow BOS Comrade Are you tired of leading a meaningless life ? , Are you afraid of...

    Greetings Fellow BOS Comrade Are you tired of leading a meaningless life ? , Are you afraid of the impact the global financial crisis will have on your children ? If you've answered "Yes" or "No" to either of the above questions, then its time you joined the Boredofstudies "Physics group"...
  8. Omium

    Greetings Fellow BOS Comrade Are you tired of leading a meaningless life ? , Are you afraid of...

    Greetings Fellow BOS Comrade Are you tired of leading a meaningless life ? , Are you afraid of the impact the global financial crisis will have on your children ? If you've answered "Yes" or "No" to either of the above questions, then its time you joined the Boredofstudies "Physics group"...
  9. Omium

    Greetings Fellow BOS Comrade Are you tired of leading a meaningless life ? , Are you afraid of...

    Greetings Fellow BOS Comrade Are you tired of leading a meaningless life ? , Are you afraid of the impact the global financial crisis will have on your children ? If you've answered "Yes" or "No" to either of the above questions, then its time you joined the Boredofstudies "Physics group"...
  10. Omium

    Greetings Fellow BOS Comrade Are you tired of leading a meaningless life ? , Are you afraid of...

    Greetings Fellow BOS Comrade Are you tired of leading a meaningless life ? , Are you afraid of the impact the global financial crisis will have on your children ? If you've answered "Yes" or "No" to either of the above questions, then its time you joined the Boredofstudies "Physics group"...
  11. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    One step closer to 1000.
  12. Omium


  13. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    I finally borrowed a book from the library ! It was an anti-climatic moment i must say...
  14. Omium

    Getting to UNSW Kensington campus

    1) Train to central station 2) Take the eddy avenue exit 3) Walk all the way straight 4) You'll see a lot of bus stands, catch the 895 express 5) You're at UNSW Kensington
  15. Omium

    Downloading from uniwide, few questions...

    Yo Steve, did ya tell michelle about the movies this sunday? Or should i call her myself ?
  16. Omium

    What Do You Like About UNSW??

    Haha awesome.
  17. Omium

    does V fuck up ur health?

    Has "V" even been around for 10 years to do such a study ?
  18. Omium

    Private school (Malek Fahd Islamic School) sends strugglers to TAFE

    Way to revive a dead thread... but now that you have. Yes there is a problem, your school inflates its figures significantly. I know a LOT of people from your school and I've tutored a few people from there for Math. One of the students told me that the ONLY subject he is doing a Malek...
  19. Omium

    Depression and the HSC - how do you cope?

    Re: depression caused by failing everything Let me start by saying there are hundreds of students in your position. Try and analyse why you are failing in these subjects. Are you putting in enough effort ? Do you understand the content that is being taught ? If you find that you are...
  20. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    When i first began, i didn't ever think this would come close to 100 posts let alone 1000. This brings a tear to my eye.