Search results

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    Israel preparing strike against Iran

    But Iranians aren't arabs. Take the Iranian out of Iran, they become agnostic! It's happened in my experience. Not as indoctrinated...
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    Should the salaries of federal ministers be increased?

    The Senate needs to be more prestigious, like the US senate so many random bogans in the senate
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    Australia - Top 5 best country in the world?

    I hav no opinion as I hav not visited all countries in the world let alone continents
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    Australia - twisting history

    trailer makes it look fucking lame random landscapes, random love story, random aboriginals and random explosions
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    Does God exist?

    GOD MUST EXIST It's the only way this thread is still alive
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    Should Australia be a Republic?

    Republic? You must pronounce it like Palpatine "I will not let this Republic that has stood for a thousand years be split in two!" - Palpatine "If they do, you must realize there aren't enough Jedi to protect the Republic. We're keepers of the peace, not soldiers." - Windu Reh publik
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    Is Patriotsm/nationalism good or bad?

    “Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all others because you were born in it.” - George Bernard Shaw
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    Summer '08-09 Chatter Thread

    holy shit my interiew was fucked up, they asked me about SQL and stuff. DIdNt KnOW ShITTTTT
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    Global warming occuring faster than predicted

    I hav no opinion since i have not studied the matter personally.
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    Maths ext 1 bridging course hard?

    I didnt do it and I failed first semester maths For me, there was barely any 3U stuff. But i went to UNSW Only benefit imo is getting into the maths, problem solving mode of thinkin'
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    Results and Predictions (Semester 2 2008)

    PHYS 2213 Physics 2EE 64.0 Pass fucks sake
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    Internet filtering: You can't opt-out

    What was Conroy on about in question time He's such an arrogant bastard But baby was crying
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    Global Gathering

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    Global Gathering

    whats global gahtering
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    Man ordered to be blinded with acid - sharia does it again

    An EYE for an EYE makes 2 Iranians BLIND!
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    So how often do you get a haircut?

    need a hair cut rite nao
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    how do you gain muscle and lose fat at the same time

    do u eat 3500+ calories / day?
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    A More Perfect Union &
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    Results and Predictions (Semester 2 2008)

    man, INFS gets released fast! ELEC wil be the LAST to get released, a day before sem 1 2009