Search results

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    Students to be taught there isn't a God in Victorian schools

    Doesn't this amount to the indoctrination of children who aren;t cognizant with regards philosophy and belief systems? This course would be better suited to year 8 and 9.
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    Who has been the greatest live act ever? a masterclass in stage performance
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    China arrests human rights activists on International Human Rights Day

    i hope glorious china slaughters all those APOSTATES AND DISSENTERS
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    Bill of Rights
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    Barack Obama - 44th President of the USA

    lol\ Blago's insane so much for barack obama, just another corrupt democrat. I hope Patrick Fitzgerald catches Obama, he's like the Harvey Dent of Chicago
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    Results and Predictions (Semester 2 2008)

    all the marks were lost in an accident
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    Summer '08-09 Chatter Thread

    All niter sleep ova
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    Summer '08-09 Chatter Thread

    OBama inauguration party at usyd? K set it up
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    Global warming occuring faster than predicted

    I wholeheartedly reject the treatment of skeptics such as alexdores in this thread. Who could expect such petulance from THE SECULAR RATIONALIST CREW?!!!!
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    Barack Obama - 44th President of the USA

    Barry H. Obama, Jr.'s insistence on a nationwide public works program to save the economy disgusts and scares me. Seems so incredibly naive; it's what a bunch of yr11 economics students would reply with when asked how to create jobs. LuCkY He'S NOT my PReSiDeNT RETARDED AHHAHA AHhaAHAH AH...
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    Current movies seem boring....When are good ones coming out?

    all movies are shit now srsly the last movie i enjoyed in the cinemas was "Star Wars - The Clone Wars", and that was because it was hilariously bad.
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    Best book for 3/4u Maths?

    fucking idiot, why are you halving the constant a0?
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    Should the salaries of federal ministers be increased?

    more money into research and science to prevent people getting sick in the first place
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    Israel preparing strike against Iran

    THE HAITIAN ARMy greatest force on earth
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    HTC Touch HD: the true iPhone killer?

    my dad's got an android phone. pretty good.