Search results

  1. J

    Intro Macro/Micro

    At least there are tangible answers unlike macro, and he at least taught us what we were required to know unlike Atta. So I prefer the lecture notes that actually cover the content as opposed to the half finished notes atta posted constantly and his random obscure questions... thx.
  2. J

    Bachelor of Commerce (Liberal Studies)

    Campus comparisons LOL. Go to UNSW if you like concrete.
  3. J


    The general consensus is a uai of over 98 and a distinction average. So i dunno, it'll be tough. You can always do post grad law, in pretty much the same time (i think).
  4. J

    Media & Communications: Flexible Entry

    I hear it's no better at UTS.
  5. J

    USYD Scholarship Application

    Pity about the faculty. Sorry to dull your high :p
  6. J

    Late scholarships???

    Yeah the usyd scholarships are retarded (and yes im bitter)
  7. J

    Bachelor of Commerce (Liberal Studies)

    Why don't you do a masters in pseudo sciences while you're at it LOL
  8. J

    Difference between Economics and Commerce?

    You have to major in economics if you do economics, that's the big difference.
  9. J

    Bachelor of Commerce (Liberal Studies)

    Comm lib is gay, do straight comm and save a year of your precious life.
  10. J

    New Blackboard Format

    [12:12] <jpr333> well the new blackboard format sux [12:12] <jpr333> change for the sake of change it looks like That is all.
  11. J

    Results page not working???

    I think it means you failed this semester unfortunately, bl.
  12. J

    GPA question

    Too hard to scale between subjects it's so hit and miss, even between streams I don't think it's very fair.
  13. J

    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    Doesn't actually tell us what they did it's just criteria.
  14. J

    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    I don't understand scaled down relative to what? Screw the gimps that ace every individual assessment and every part of that mega exam (they're always around), I just can't compete with that. I miss relevant exam/test assessments. I don't know what happend, 1a just suited me much more i guess...
  15. J

    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    Yeh in the same boat. The exam was tough (well it must have been marked tough).
  16. J

    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    Ouch hammered on accounting, i demand a recount 65 kek. 77 in claw 2001 tho happy about that. Like wtf tho 10* the work in acct, well more like 30*comparatively. Fuck acct 1b gayest subject ever, the ethical ramifications of finanical reporting can suck my ****.
  17. J

    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    You're both special lets just leave it at that.
  18. J

    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    It's spelt tabernacle tabanacle.
  19. J

    Semester II Exam Results (2005)

    Psych results are out.. psyche!
  20. J

    Finance Major/honours

    All i've heard is finance honours are very very bad, to the point where you shouldn't even bother (subject wise, not subject to me being wise LOL)