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  1. J

    ECON 1002

    Yeah I finally kind of learnt these graphs today on review and help from a mate. It's vertical since government spending is inelastic. And apprently an increase in G/Y is constituted by a shift to the left, and if it does that the other curves shift as well proportionally. But can anyone clarify...
  2. J

    INFS 1000

    Cheers, just in one of those lab boxes? Edit- One more question, when entering authors into the author field in endnote, the workshop guide suggests we must put each author on a separate line as surname, first name. But has anyone noticed when endnote formats this automatically it does...
  3. J

    INFS 1000

    So how are we supposed to submit this, the week 2 handout specifies in the tutorial but I've been told you hand it in in the assignment box in the labs. I missed my actual tute thanks to the long weekend so I don't know how to go about this.
  4. J

    SRC elections.

    Irony isn't.
  5. J

    SRC elections.

    So Rose is one of those idealistic law gimps, makes sense i guess. I just assumed she was one of those out of touch reality/doesn't really have a grasp of how the world works arts students (each of which make great candidates but pretty much summarise student politics). She's ok looking, not the...
  6. J

    SRC elections.

    President of the SRC? I thought it was fairly simple then I read the Honi thingo and see 10 different elections for president, members, editors, etc.. kinda wigged me out. How many elections were running concurrently?
  7. J

    Did you vote?

    You do realise you are euphamistically sweeping over events that are on par with the atrocities witnessed in ww2 in terms of casualties, and these occured in a time of peace against a country's own people. Edit- and that comparison above is flawed in so many ways I don't know where to start.
  8. J

    SRC Elections 2005

    It's a slippery slope you have to be careful. You should note we don't actually have freedom of speech explicitly in Aus, it's only implied in the constitution and we also don't allow speech/groups that incite hate (you prob knew that but meh).
  9. J

    Did you vote?

    Are you retarded, my point was why did it MATTER that the thread turned this way, your point is moot and irrelevant.
  10. J

    Did you vote?

    Did you lift that from a pamphlet post 1950? What they initially did was noble to emacipate the country, but they went down the same path every Stalinist leader goes down, one of brutality and intolerance in asserting their own authority.
  11. J

    Did you vote?

    Seriously why does it matter there are several SRC threads, you can afford to let one spiral into a politcal discussion.
  12. J

    Did you vote?

    Fucking lol, and the communist government in place has done what, murdered 20-30 MILLION ppl thx to the famines caused by Mao's great leap forward, killed countless scholars and educated in the cultural revolution and how about that thousand flowers programme... Yeh Maoism is the fucking bomb...
  13. J

    Did you vote?

    As an impartial observer it appears Phanatical has a deep seeded bias towards the Chinese government, possibly spurred from some form of nationalism (are you Chinese or of Chinese decent?) skewing his argument. What does it matter if Falun Gong spreads 'misinformation' and propganda, it can be...
  14. J

    Did you vote?

    I forgot to vote? When does it finish (if it hasn't already)?
  15. J

    ECON 1002

    How about this guys Atta is a freaking retard for putting a third of the marks into some obscure graphs he mentioned in a lecture very poorly once and drew even worse. Freaking retard, and oh yeh i failed.
  16. J

    ECON 1002

    Haha yeah that was mad, I was hoping they'd come to blows, they were right near me.
  17. J

    ECON 1002

    Lies, never!
  18. J

    ECON 1002

    I considered this, except for the fact that a multiplier of 5 should decrease GDP by 375 and this doesn't match the figures in the qs so I left it out. Oh and I think the multiplier doesn't work that way, it is defined as 1/mpc or 1/(1-mps) it can't double dip.
  19. J

    ECON 1002

    The puzzle from what I gathered is that consumption decreases therefore savings should increase since Y = C + S, but since it's autonomous consumption only and every thing else begin equal the equilibrum/income and therefore national savings decreases ??
  20. J

    ECON 1002

    I've read this thread thoroughly through 5 times and I'm quite sure noone gave a definite answer for part (a) part (b) confirmed yes but not (a).