Search results

  1. J

    3rd year subs in 2nd year?

    You go girl!
  2. J

    WORK 6000 units - what are they??

    Sounds like the gayest subject ever.
  3. J

    INFS 1000

    What about that extra module stuff tagged onto a few of the lectures, you guys studying that? (it's pretty lengthy unfortunately)
  4. J

    INFS 1000

    So what is the format for INFS? Sue me im lazy :p
  5. J

    ECON 1002

    Ok does ANYONE understand the 'simple substitution' used in answering the equilibrium qs in tutorials 6 and 7. Please help, for the love of god how do you do those.
  6. J

    INFS 1000

    Great can't log in, fuck this!
  7. J

    Omg Read!

    Only time I've mentioned it was to some girls (friends) who said Andrew Quah was stalking one of their friends on the internet and that I knew him from BOS.
  8. J

    INFS 1000

    Anyone happen to have the week 12 workshop pdf discussing html, it conveniently seems to be missing from BB
  9. J

    INFS final assignment

    You are aware a rar file is a zipped file, use winrar to unzip the exe.
  10. J

    Econ & Business Subjects choice...

    N O No. I write here for char length satisfaction and just wasted your time, sorry.
  11. J

    ECMT group assignment

    Yes approximately
  12. J

    Did you vote?

    When did Che kill Trotskyites, fill me in!
  13. J

    Econ & Business Subjects choice...

    Fuck that de roos was the man with his non deviating, sticking to the course, understandable lecture slides (invariably allowing you to skip all lectures). Screw Atta and his self tailored lecture slides and teaching programme (oh and crappy accent, what the hell is he saying ??!?)
  14. J

    Econ & Business Subjects choice...

    Haha, macro is a bitch of a subject, micro at least had answers, real life tangible answers.
  15. J

    Did you vote?

    Radical right wingers and left wingers eventually come full circle and meet at a point in their views (or better yet how they implement their views).
  16. J

    ECON 1002

    But LRAS is the new equilibrium, are you saying AD increases so as to make price constant? Don't tell me you're saying that. Actually that raises an interesting qs, what shifts when LRAS shifts, SRAS or AD, it is AD as xiao said right? But why would AD increase, because of higher real wages...
  17. J

    ECON 1002

    Atta said today it covers everything up to, not including, inflation targetting (slide 13/14 maybe of lec 14).
  18. J

    INFS 1000

    Yeah it could be some retarded traditional quirk Harvard has adopted or something.
  19. J

    INFS 1000

    Nup haven't figured it out, i've decided to manually change the export output but leave the author endnote stucutre as they recommend. Thanks for the article, you're a life saver.
  20. J

    INFS 1000

    Uh oh, does anyone happen to have a copy of the article titled Decision Support System for Diabetes Care: Ethical Aspects, since it aint coming up on the streetwise search.