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  1. J

    CLAW 1002

    Yeh if it's possible ill drop metrics 1020 and do it, able to do another subject that counts for what I want, awesome. Edit- Done and done! 26 cp's this sem, good now I can underload a future senior unit and not have to do the extra assignment to make up the difference.
  2. J

    ACCT 1B

    Hah nice. extra space here msg is too short or some crap
  3. J

    CLAW 1002

    Bah every lecture for every subject is pretty much like that though.
  4. J

    Excel VBA for Business INFS textbook

    Whereabouts in Wentworth is the 2nd hand shop btw?
  5. J

    Goodhew and ECMT1020

    Yes by far but that's not hard.
  6. J

    Goodhew and ECMT1020

    Haha yeh, apparently he's gay as well (not that there's anything wrong with that). I might drop 1020 for something easier though.
  7. J

    Bob Carr Quits

    My moneys on Scully
  8. J

    how's macro lecturer from each stream?!

    Yeh I have Mugabe, he seems ok.
  9. J


    Well the only benefit I can see atm is it has the same text book so I save money, other than that...
  10. J


    MORE regression stuff? /shoots self in head
  11. J

    usyd open day volunteers~~

    Meh you'll be back. If anything BOS makes you work more with the consant reminders, discussion and pedantics of all the super organised folk that congregate here.
  12. J


    Shit I chose Ecmt 1020 and didn't consider this even though i had a better mark by 1 in CLAW. Perhaps I should reconsider...
  13. J

    usyd open day volunteers~~

    Join a club of some sought and ask around...
  14. J

    CLAW1001 Thread

    Readings are useless :)
  15. J

    Double major

    Bah it's just more work and you all know it.
  16. J

    Free jugs of beer for usyders this thursday at the manning!

    I don't know how anyone can get seriously angsty over the net. I am dissapointed in this thread, absolution is the man, and by man I mean weak, pathetic woman!
  17. J

    Free jugs of beer for usyders this thursday at the manning!

    Let's turn this into an absolution hate thread. I'll start. You're such a faggot absolution!!! lololol
  18. J

    Semester 1 results (2005)

    Yes, your deduction skills are top notch, A +
  19. J

    CLAW1001 Thread

    Leave these forums traitor. Seriously though, why you transferring, sydney is da bomb.
  20. J

    when can we get the offical confirmation of enrolment letter?

    I just got mine 30 seconds ago.