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  1. J

    CLAW1001 Thread

    Let me summarise the exam, write, write, write, vicariously liability omg bye.
  2. J

    CLAW1001 Thread

    I'm pretty sure it's just mistake that's not in there, and I think (don't quote me tho) SOGA is in just manufacturer's liability isn't.
  3. J

    Semester 2 Timetable (2005)

    Looks like I'll be doing the same subjects as you Too Lazy, hot.
  4. J

    Market Efficiency Please Help!

    In terms of a monoply yeah, but it is illegal under TPA (manufacturer's act as well) wasn't sure what context this refers to.
  5. J

    Market Efficiency Please Help!

    Number 2 refers to price/product discrimination where a company will not sell to some buyers or only sell at higher prices. It's inefficient basically :P
  6. J

    Fuck You Ecmt

    No, 10 woot.
  7. J

    Typical Aussies Ruin Australia

    Total worry that we're illiterate now isn't it... I think cultural slang has little bearing on literacy levels.
  8. J

    ACCT1A exam

    Yeah exactly people did too well in the other components, I think I missed about 10 marks and know for sure I got more wrong. Oh well at least I'll probably pass.
  9. J

    Practice Set Results

    Well it turns out I was audited in accounting (ironic isn't it?), I did one thing strange he said by calculating cogs on the P+L statement and asked if I colluded... I hadn't so it was sweet. Got 28/30 (2 stupid errors) so tis all good!
  10. J

    Practice Set Results

    Abdul replied come and see me on the 5th of July, that does not sound very encouraging :(
  11. J

    Whats your dream UAI.. and what do you think you will get?

    I got 98.1 that was pretty hot, went in with the 'being happy with over 90 attitude' tried my hardest (sought of) and got a pleasant surprise.
  12. J

    Practice Set Results

    Haha sup dude long time no see. Yeh i'll be doing Acct 1B if i pass this dam subject (they might have lost my practice set not sure yet!). How are you going? 2nd yr right?
  13. J

    Practice Set Results

    Lollers it's toodulu
  14. J

    Practice Set Results

    No but its a req for the major I want.
  15. J

    Practice Set Results

    It's pretty subjective but that's the general consensus yeh. No way in hell im failing this subject!!!!! Don't want to look at a practice set again.
  16. J

    Practice Set Results

    No besides the collusion here all my work! I have emailed him waiting on a response.
  17. J

    Practice Set Results

    Yes yes I did:(
  18. J

    Practice Set Results

    If I don't get credit for the practice set I am seriously going to stalk and systematically murder every member of staff in the Accounting 1A subject. I will be ruthless, consider yourself warned retarded staff members.
  19. J

    Practice Set Results

    OMG why is my practice set column BLANK FFSFSFSFSFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!##############!!#!111111shiftone
  20. J

    Fuck You Ecmt

    Yeah it was out of 15 they must have screwed up.