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  1. J

    I'm buying jugs at the manning if I get a Credit for ECMT

    Well after looking at the stats thoroughly I don't really see this picture develop. The only real difference is full time employment, but still I hardly see this as critical since it looks like more doing straight commerce go into further study (plus this is only for the year directly after...
  2. J

    I'm buying jugs at the manning if I get a Credit for ECMT

    Hmm thanks for the info. $6000 plus an extra year of your life still don't think it's really worth it. I'll look more into it though.
  3. J

    CLAW1001 Thread

    CLAW results are out btw.
  4. J

    I'm buying jugs at the manning if I get a Credit for ECMT

    Link to stats. I would bet this would be the result of the higher level of the canditure itself and not the degree.
  5. J

    Murray Smith extracts revenge on Myg0t

    After tutoring someone today in 2U maths I think high school maths ingrains good mathematical foundations into one's brain and thus feel high school maths did help. Bad luck on the extra test... I managed a low distinction somehow... Drinks for nobody cause I have the flu!
  6. J

    I'm buying jugs at the manning if I get a Credit for ECMT

    Well yep I'm interested in the accounting/finance major primarily and from most accounts I'm told the last year is a total waste of time. Seriously consider that extra year can be spent working (towards a CPA or CA) or travelling in the prime of your life (plus no extra HECS fees). I see no use...
  7. J

    I'm buying jugs at the manning if I get a Credit for ECMT

    You guys are misinformed, com (lib) is crap, basically a waste of a year (time is precious) and the extra HECS fees. I will most likely transfer out of it into straight Commerce.
  8. J

    Semester 1 results (2005)

    Oh in that case I'm not doing so well :)
  9. J

    Semester 1 results (2005)

    Yep if results not available = HD I am killing it atm.
  10. J

    Usyd ? Unsw?

    Half UAI, half results for a formal tranfer through the UAC place.
  11. J

    Semester Two subjects

    Not really, but I like Media Watch!
  12. J

    Semester Two subjects

    Her mum's hotter.
  13. J

    Is there a USYD end of exams party

    Yeah and apparently a guy died, fell/was pushed from the top level.
  14. J

    Semester Two subjects

    Yeah for sure, Pauline Hanson is the shiz.
  15. J

    CPA/CA Requirements

    That is helpful, cheers brother.
  16. J

    CPA/CA Requirements

    Bump for good measure. Surely someone knows something about this...
  17. J

    CPA/CA Requirements

    So having reviewed the updated req's for a CPA/CA I see no reason to complete ECMT1020, since it's been dropped after I started my degree. This raises a few questions. To get a CPA/CA do you have to complete the req's as when you started your degree OR conversely the req's as at when you finish...
  18. J

    UN approves compensation to Iraq's neighbours

    They learnt their lesson after WW2 (because of WW1) they can't be that stupid can they... just rebuild I say like Japan and Germany post ww2.
  19. J

    Typical Aussies Ruin Australia

    Just to reiterate if the the irony wasn't absolutely clear, the OP spelt illiterate wrongly.
  20. J

    Unis face tough changes: Nelson (Four Corners)

    I was in the lecture they filmed part of the story in, WOOO I am famous, who wants an autograph.