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  1. Shadowdude

    Future Commerce Student needs a bit of your help

    maybe he did 12 units and the 2 units of economics didn't count or something
  2. Shadowdude

    Commerce at usyd then transfer to comm/law or business/law at UTS?

    Well yeah, they can't hand out transfers to every Tom, Dick, and Harry If you want to get into Comm/Law, you need to get the required ATAR. If you don't, you need to get the required WAM (average mark) at uni, to get in. That's how it is. Not everyone who wants to study Medicine can get into...
  3. Shadowdude

    Commerce at usyd then transfer to comm/law or business/law at UTS?

    Go to UNSW or whatever and then internally transfer by getting good marks
  4. Shadowdude

    Future Commerce Student needs a bit of your help

    Well if you're not a maths student, why are you even considering it? I feel you haven't done research into what the degrees actually entail - and the differences between them. Do that and you can answer a lot of your own questions.
  5. Shadowdude

    Functional Equation

    omg why didn't you two talk to each other yesterday you guys would've had tons of fun discussing such asian topics like these :detective: (@glittergal: the above sentence is indeed racist, not 'racial')
  6. Shadowdude

    What the heck happened?!

    as their final HSC mark?
  7. Shadowdude

    What the heck happened?!

    and you know that how? If true, you'll see that their "external mark", i.e. how they did in the HSC exam itself, is a lot higher than yours - so you bombed out, and they didn't
  8. Shadowdude

    What the heck happened?!

    Without getting into specifics of how HSC marks are moderated and aligned, this is why you have a common exam - the HSC - that everyone does to make sure that the schools who give their students ridiculously easy exams (like your school) can be compared with other schools who may have harder exams
  9. Shadowdude

    Is Honours worth it for computer science or maths ?

    Applied maths yes Comp sci no
  10. Shadowdude

    choosing between uni of wollongong or sydney uni for compSci

    You can internal transfer for most things at UNSW Who cares about "wasting" ATAR? If you want to do a course that's 80 ATAR and you get 96, are you really going to do Commerce even though you might hate finance or whatever because "omg wasting my atar"?
  11. Shadowdude

    What the heck happened?!

    This is why you don't care about your internal assessment marks Your 2u maths test could literally be: Question 1 what's 3+5, question 2 draw the sine graph You just did really bad in the HSC exam actual
  12. Shadowdude

    BComm Business Information Systems (BIS) Major Usefulness?

    Is this for data analytics? You need to learn that in a proper maths or statistics degree.
  13. Shadowdude

    UTS business/law vs USYD/UNSW commerce

    well yeah Use the extra commute to catch up with friends or sleep I take the bus with friends so we can chat about stuff since we don't have classes a lot together - just work it into an advantage
  14. Shadowdude

    Need help deciding preferences

    because it's true Walk into UNSW O-Week and experience the awesomeness
  15. Shadowdude

    UNSW or UTS for science?

    geez you sensitive touchy people OMG I DON'T WANT TO TAKE A BUS WTF IS THAT It's a nice easy 15 minute bus ride that is not packed if you know when to take it, and there are other alternative buses to take as well
  16. Shadowdude

    UTS business/law vs USYD/UNSW commerce

    I don't understand why UNSW is the one with the "problem travel time" if it's 3.5 hours to get to unsw then it's 3 hours to get to uts or usyd
  17. Shadowdude

    UNSW Science/Arts vs MACQUARIE Speech and hearing

    uhhh you should do more degree research to figure out what you actually like and prefer doing
  18. Shadowdude

    usyd pharmacy or unsw actuarial studies

    I think you should do your research between degrees and what they actually entail because they're very different
  19. Shadowdude

    How is my ATAR so low?

    but if you're so smart, why did you only get 81 :detective:
  20. Shadowdude

    UNSW or USYD

    LOLOLOLOLOL unsw engineering life is a LOT better than usyd engineering life for instance, you don't have to pay like $100 to start to join uni societies, meanwhile at unsw it's free and unsw has weekly bbqs for engineering plus there's like a billion other societies to join