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  1. Shadowdude

    False hope from my scores ... where did I go wrong?

    yeah you did 11 units or so, and your maths failed you it's not even extension 1 or 2, it's normal 2 unit Remember 99 ATAR is around top 1% of students, while your other marks are fantastic, you only got 85 in the 2 unit course... and one unit of that counted towards your ATAR so GG you
  2. Shadowdude

    What is Data Science ?

    There is no 'B Data Science', you're just using statistics and computer programming. Mathematics is a gateway to lots of stuff, and you learn the skills you can apply lots of places. If you do statistics, you can be a statistician but also do this big data stuff and data science. Also you'll...
  3. Shadowdude

    What is Data Science ?

    Data science is basically going through large slabs of data to find meaningful insight It's a combination of statistics and computer programming and the like
  4. Shadowdude

    B Arts and Business vs B Economics in order to transfer into B Comm/Arts at UNSW?

    Doesn't matter what you get into You can get into an Arts degree and take all Science subjects for three years and no one will care, just don't expect to graduate because you didn't satisfy any of the degree rules
  5. Shadowdude

    Whatever happens tomorrow won't change your life

    I dunno, I feel it's okay to think about those things, it's another matter if you take them seriously and really dwell on it, because if you do that, you might get stupid epiphanies like "hey, doing that is a great idea!" I think restricting thinking and imagination and the mind is just a bad...
  6. Shadowdude

    Whatever happens tomorrow won't change your life

    to be fair though, when i was doing my HSC, i was aiming for 95+, and if i got 80 as my atar i would've... yeah - well i'm not going to post what i would've done or may have considered doing because... it's a ~sensitive time~ and i don't want to give any of y'all any ideas but i would've been...
  7. Shadowdude

    How to find out your overall rank in the state for a subject

    "educational" ;) "company" ;) what's the bet it's the local sex store
  8. Shadowdude

    How to find out your overall rank in the state for a subject

    we never got to do any condom work at my school :(
  9. Shadowdude

    How to find out your overall rank in the state for a subject

    I think it crosses into the awks line when the discussion or learning gets away from the 'academic style' that is preferred by the syllabus, and towards the 'street style' questions that are geared towards ~practical applications~
  10. Shadowdude

    How to find out your overall rank in the state for a subject

    It's awks because the guys were sitting there and the girls are asking questions about ~sensitive topics~ I just find any sex ed with both genders in class to be ~awks~ at times It's like when I asked the teacher during class why spermicide doubling as a lubricant was a good thing...
  11. Shadowdude

    How to find out your overall rank in the state for a subject

    ~campbelltown~ were there guys in the same class if so ~awks~
  12. Shadowdude

    How to find out your overall rank in the state for a subject

    yeah we had that too but i didn't think any other school had that... it was a special arrangement for what i think was the first ever teen pregnancy at the school Because I know Plumpton High had a similar thing beforehand but I think they got rid of it
  13. Shadowdude

    How to find out your overall rank in the state for a subject

    how is it possible to have part time students
  14. Shadowdude

    How to find out your overall rank in the state for a subject

    really? wow We had 13 in Advanced, 10 of us did Extension 1 and then I think 8 of us did Extension 2 at first (but I think only three or four of us finished it)
  15. Shadowdude

    How to find out your overall rank in the state for a subject

    oh we only pushed for it in year 11 we thought it was a bit silly for the school to offer us ext. 1 but not ext. 2, and since we had about five smart people in the grade, we were all collectively "wtf" it also helped that half the grade left in year 10, most of which to go to a selective...
  16. Shadowdude

    How to find out your overall rank in the state for a subject

    because i believe in fighting for things that are worth fighting for such as love and doing hsc subjects you want to do
  17. Shadowdude

    How to find out your overall rank in the state for a subject

    it's the vibe i'm getting If they don't remember anything anymore, then they can refresh themselves by looking over the material. I haven't touched some 2u stuff since 2010 but one look at the textbook and it all comes back, and I'm not even a teacher. And you can always do courses through...
  18. Shadowdude

    How to find out your overall rank in the state for a subject

    well then you go up to them and you go "Wtf is this - i want to do x subject for my hsc, why are you not offering it or are too lazy to offer it?" don't blame this all on the teachers my school did the same thing - they offered us ext. 1 english and maths, and that was fine for most cases...
  19. Shadowdude

    How to find out your overall rank in the state for a subject

    Skill? If your teachers didn't want to put in effort, you complain to the principal or head of school that you want to do these subjects, you are paying to go to these schools, this is your HSC and an important year of your life, and "I'm too lazy to supervise you" is a bullcrap excuse