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  1. Shadowdude

    UNSW or USYD

    UNSW is always the best though
  2. Shadowdude

    How is my ATAR so low?

    As in 67 HSC mark and 80 HSC mark? Or internal marks?
  3. Shadowdude

    Need help deciding preferences

    AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA yeah right UNSW has the best social life by far - we, UNSW, actually have a full O-Week, not a three day excuse that Sydney Uni call an "O-Week"
  4. Shadowdude

    UNSW or USYD

    UNSW is the best choose it for all your university needs and you'll be happier
  5. Shadowdude

    Talented Students Program and Special Studies Program

    UNSW is the best always choose unsw for all your university needs source: arts/adv maffs student
  6. Shadowdude

    What course you doing next year?

    yeah so you spend it productively like by sleeping
  7. Shadowdude

    choosing between uni of wollongong or sydney uni for compSci

    No, but it's better to internally transfer so you get direct credit transfer Also it means you don't have to make new friends and the like at the new university. Never, ever, ever discount the social aspect.
  8. Shadowdude

    choosing between uni of wollongong or sydney uni for compSci

    I'm not sure about this - but does the 80 threshold include or exclude bonus points? I think it includes it
  9. Shadowdude

    What course you doing next year?

    well yeah but you're miss "i don't want to commute 1.5 hours to go to the best university of all time :( :( :( "
  10. Shadowdude

    choosing between uni of wollongong or sydney uni for compSci

    If you want to get into UNSW Computer Science, go to UNSW doing any other degree, and then internally transfer degrees
  11. Shadowdude

    Students who achieved an ATAR of 85+, what did you do differently?

    yeah i'll echo everyone else's "work consistently" It's what you need to do - work consistently to make sure you accumulate the knowledge you need, and are comfortable with the topics and the content. In the end, I got 95+, even though I had like two months off during the HSC year because my...
  12. Shadowdude

    What course you doing next year?

    besides we all know that usyd's societies are a piece of crap UNSW has by far the best social life of all universities
  13. Shadowdude

    What course you doing next year?

    because it is better those rankings are for like research and whatnot
  14. Shadowdude

    What course you doing next year?

    that's what the crap unis want you to think unsw is da best 5eva
  15. Shadowdude

    What course you doing next year?

    think of the future increased cash flows by going to a better uni
  16. Shadowdude

    UNSW Engineering Transfer

    Yeah, you have to get into UNSW first if you want to do any internal transfer And you need one year's worth of uni usually before you can start doing any internal program transfer - after that, you can apply for transfers every semester if you want
  17. Shadowdude

    What course you doing next year?

    what temptation with lecture halls built in the 1700s?
  18. Shadowdude

    UNSW Engineering Transfer

    Internal Transfer lets UNSW students transfer within degrees, subject to academic performance If you're smart and you apply yourself, you should be able to get most transfers Doesn't matter what degree you're from, it just matters how well you go in your courses Like I transferred from...
  19. Shadowdude

    What course you doing next year?

    unsw is da best go there
  20. Shadowdude

    Anyone doing B Arts & Business degree?

    Have a look at the handbook entry for Commerce/Arts so you can see the courses you'd have to do Also if you're smart, 75 WAM is achievable. Transferring externally is more hassle - it's better to get direct credit transfers by doing the courses at the same university.