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  1. J

    Any schools teach perms and combs in year 11

    I just finished perms and combs last term lel.
  2. J

    Prelim 2016 Maths Help Thread

    applying the double angle formula again to sin(4x), you will get 2sin(2x)cos(2x). You can see that you already have sin(2x)cos(2x). so if you do what you just did before and you will get 1/4 sin(4x) edit: its just the double angle formula rearranged; sin(2x)=2sin(x)cos(x) 1/2*sin(2x)=sin(x)cos(x)
  3. J

    Prelim Physics Thread

    Along with the different refractive index, I think you should also mention the other requirement for total internal reflection, that the angle of incidence must be greater than the critical angle.
  4. J

    Prelim 2016 Maths Help Thread

    Since sin(θ) = cos(90-θ), you can change the sin^2(50) into cos^2(90-50) = cos^2(40). now you have cos^2(40)+sin^2(40) which is = 1 (by the Pythagorean trig identity)
  5. J

    Cambridge HSC MX1 Textbook Marathon/Q&A

    Re: Year 12 Mathematics 3 Unit Cambridge Question & Answer Thread There are (5-1)! ways to arrange the 5 people in the first table then another (5-1)! ways to arrange in the other table. But for the first table, any 5 of the 10 people can be chosen and the remaining 5 chosen for the 2nd table...
  6. J

    Circl geo quick question

    oh ok thanks parad0xica so for part 2: part 3:
  7. J

    Circl geo quick question

    So my friend needed some help on a circle geo question: But the thing is I did it like last year and completely forgot most of the theorems and how to properly prove. But I looked up some in the internet and managed to do them, however I'm not sure if my answers are...
  8. J

    Prelim 2016 Maths Help Thread

    In Latin, it translates into quod erat demonstrandum, meaning "which is what had to be proven". It's mainly used in the end of a mathematical proof
  9. J

    2017ers Preliminary Chit Chat Thread

    what do you call an acid with an attitude?
  10. J

    Cambridge HSC MX1 Textbook Marathon/Q&A

    Re: Year 12 Mathematics 3 Unit Cambridge Question & Answer Thread That's part a. Not entirely sure about part b though
  11. J

    Most challenging topic in Prelim Phys?

    I find moving about pretty interesting and fun. The only thing i'm worried about is the electrical energy in the home. I just hate electricity so much for some reason haha. and world communicates and space topic are pretty much mostly rote learning. So ye I would say either moving about or the...
  12. J

    2017ers Preliminary Chit Chat Thread

    wow you have a lot to do lol. I'm just gonna watch daredevil and other tv shows all day, and maybe a bit of maths haha.
  13. J

    Prelim Past Papers Physics go to recourses and click on physics. You'll get some past papers with solutions. Especially try those Sydney grammar ones. You can also get some past papers from here, but not all of them has solutions. Now that's the...
  14. J

    Prelim Physics Thread

    acceleration basically means change in velocity, if the velocity is constant then there is no change, hence no accelration
  15. J

    Should I do 4u?

    YUS FINALLY!! do it
  16. J

    2017ers Preliminary Chit Chat Thread

    wow just had my physics exam, and it was filled with drawing those time consuming scaled vector diagrams -_-
  17. J

    Locus + other Q's

    lol 9 years ago, I don't think they'll read it haha
  18. J

    Need help, URGENT maths question:

    oh and if you're having trouble typing the latex code, use this website to generate it easily : if you haven't already