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  1. Bunny04

    Who is the Mole?

    well think- the creators of the Mole this time have made it harder... it probably won't be the actor... or the military dude- thats too "Obvious' and catchy to the viewers , remember they try and make it as hard as possible hence hte Sms voting and stuff later on in the series.. so for an...
  2. Bunny04

    Virus alert

    You should perhaps invest in purchasing "VET- Anti Virus" it prevents all of this, it scans and cleans automatically- and auto. Updates , often every 2 hrs or so... you won't get hte screens saying 'You've been infected with this virus'' etc... keep scanning... and also, sometimes pop up...
  3. Bunny04

    HSC performance dates

    sometimes 2, sometimes 3 - Music One people Usually have 3 people... and Music 2, only two...But that can change.. depending on the school and their space/ how many students etc. and hey ! GOOD LUCK to all ^_^
  4. Bunny04

    The Mole

    Yeah! Bring back Grant Bowler- He rawked! he had liek the total smirky grin and awesome skills as presenter.. this new one.. crap I say. Well, what a dissapointment... The Mole used to be home grown, and fun... challenging but not always physical - there were the brain teasers and all.. now...
  5. Bunny04

    Television has just sunk to a new low?

    thats what they said about Big Brother before it came here, now its one of the higest rating shows ever.. and onto what series now? 5 or 6 ???? And its Crap.. and Uncut and all- ? I mean, how 'exciting' can watching people sit around and talk for a good half hour and then hour later in the...
  6. Bunny04


    hang on... it IS part of documentation.. I swear... -ish still confused, but things are comming back-
  7. Bunny04

    Acceptable forms of ID

    You can use a Drivers Licence (L's through to full ) and Passport- Up to 2 years past the expiry date. - so if the hole is through it, and it hasn't been out of date since 03 your fine
  8. Bunny04

    first aid course

    Yeah... ^_^ good Usefull skill- and if you join the Volunteer part of St Johns it can be even better- (eg you don't pay for your course if you become part of a division- and you do heaps of trainning- doing duties and so on) 10 Hunt St Surry Hills- St John Ambulance Headquarters- Thats where...
  9. Bunny04

    What are you currently Reading?

    "Don't Eat This Book' - by Morgan Spurlock.
  10. Bunny04

    What's the first game you played?

    does anyone remember that crazy art workshop... thing, but like a game.. it was like in a hotel thing and then had 5 levels.. you could check out the basement with a torch and then do all these different activities over the 5 levels of the 'hotel' with these crazily coloured and dotted...
  11. Bunny04


    Woot- i remember this from when i did SDD for the hsc... and i'm pretty sure Casmira is right.. its a tool used in 'Planning and Design' seeing as its the foundation for most programs.. all though, you could put it under iMplementation.. Oh gawd, im confusing myself again...
  12. Bunny04

    New Best Private School

    Yep, Missing a few - quite a few actually
  13. Bunny04

    The Sydney Conservatorium Students Thread

    Wether its minor or Major study in an instrument you still get the same amount of hours per semester in individual instrumental major lessons- but you do a different program... Minor students don't have the big recitals.. don't have to do the concerto in 3rd year.. or the 2 nd year Junior...
  14. Bunny04

    CSP HECS vs Full Fee Local...Which is more $$$?

    usually its quite easy to transfer- if you made a mistake (like you put the Local Fee Code instead of the HECS code, without meaning to) and you are beneath the UAI limit it is easy to transfer.
  15. Bunny04


    30? Whoa..thats really large for a school, seeing the canidature for the entire state is only approx. 600 (usually) - Wow! gee... we had 10 people in year 11 do dance.. and then 2 in the HSC year... lol
  16. Bunny04

    CSP HECS vs Full Fee Local...Which is more $$$?

    50k a year? Where was that said? O_o
  17. Bunny04

    CSP HECS vs Full Fee Local...Which is more $$$?

    yeah.. my four year Degree is going to cost all up 14k - i think... maximum 16 - and thats for a 4 year degree.. .,bachelor... If you get a place with 'Full LOCAL fee'- you'll be paying anywhere up to 16k a YEAR... so, a 4 year degree... Crikey- i wouldn't even want to think about it.. and...
  18. Bunny04

    help with major appreciation

    Don't stress about Major Appreciation ^_^ its really not that bad- and the exams are great in the end. . .teh last day and all ^^ ahh joy... *cough* lol but Yes, Good Luck anyways! :D
  19. Bunny04

    help with major appreciation

    Lol : Stuff I looked at Last year - ^_^;;; In genral this is what you must revise Researching prescribed artists and works When researching a prescribed artist, consider the following areas: The characteristics of a seminal artist the artist's philosophical...
  20. Bunny04

    live! open day

    If you people wanna come and check out the con- its between like 12 and 3.30 or something at the con campus- free concerts and music sales etc... Erm... Yeah...