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  1. Bunny04

    help with major appreciation

    Is it the same thing as last years HSC? Alvin Ailey and Martha gRaham etc? if so.. i can give you a few breif tips. ^^;;;;
  2. Bunny04

    Conservatoriums - GENERAL: Entry, atmosphere, auditions etc.

    The dates for Auditions are held in the last week of novemeber- early december. I think from memory last year they were held November the 27th to December the 9th or something like that, and then the Music Skills test was Held every day. from the 8th till the 12 or something
  3. Bunny04

    Computer Music/Games Course - Merged

    You can do the Audio Tech, and Audio Engineering course at the Australian Insititute of Music- and you don't have to play an instrument - but personally, i think its a load better doing the same course at Tafe, for a hell of alot cheaper. I went to the Australian Insititue of Music, and don't...
  4. Bunny04

    What games have you installed on the school computers?

    well last year at school, most of year 12 either installed the Sims Online and Living large etc.. packs or Warfcraft. umm, a few others as well *can't think of names*
  5. Bunny04

    About call back???

    Its about 2 months after the practical exams that they inform the nominees- the Examiners decide from the Practical exams the top group of performers or composition students and then ask them to apply for the show... You then have to send in a video tape demonstrating hte same dance/ or...
  6. Bunny04


    ohh at school thats good ^^, takes even more stress out of it ^^ squee dance people are nice for hte HSC. Yeah, always over two days the Perf and cOmp- that rocks.. so much better than having to cram it into one.
  7. Bunny04

    Music @ the Con

    Erm Last year the closing date for all applications was the 30th of Sep. For all Undergrad , it would most likley be around the same time for this years applications. heres the Link to all the Con Entrance stuff... the form might be up , actually i think it is...
  8. Bunny04


    Yeah, at brent st they went against turning the heaters on.. they wanted us to have a good warm up, instead of being superficially heated... O_o lol ^_^;; oh wells ! :D Squee, can't believe it was like a year ago that i did my HSC dance exam.. oh wells :P
  9. Bunny04

    Music @ the Con

    The Cons awesome.. Alot of work, but heck- every uni ... every course has a fair amount of work. and best part of the con pft... :P
  10. Bunny04


    Lol ^^, See... They are always nice Where was your exam held? The hell cold depths of Brent St Studios *aww man, those ones are freezing.. I had my exams there last year, and i was at like 9.00am the first one.. bleh.. Coollllddddd oh and good luck for Appreciation- and now you can go and...
  11. Bunny04

    Do You Regard SDD as difficult?

    Well it is pretty important to have a good teacher in this course- that is if you're aiming for a top mark in the subject 95 + , to teach you basics, to help you through algorithms etc.. but yeah.. You all learn alot so its good ^.^
  12. Bunny04


    haha, neopets ^_^ i remember that.. i used to have an account- never ever fed my 4 pets or whatnot.. and then ended up not remembering my Username so never went back.. think its like natjelwes or something lol ^_^ I used to love the gambling games.. and the radom stuff that kept happening...
  13. Bunny04

    What's the first game you played?

    I remember all those crappy DOS games... good old MS dos.. Tee hee ^_^, and then umm.. probably "Winter Lemmings" or the "Christmas Lemmings" - and theres other ones i just can't remember the names.. and those worms ... the ones that fire at eachother- totally forget the name of it...
  14. Bunny04

    why did you chose the degree you are doing?

    I chose to do a Bachelor Of Music in Performance at the Syd. Conservatorium -although im doing Dip. Music Due to Low UAI , but majoring in performance anways- because A) I love my music B) I really really really hope to do it later in life, professionally- always have. C) Its one of the...
  15. Bunny04

    Do You Regard SDD as difficult?

    LOL Guys, don't stress at all- those posts that i posted.. whoa Last year are total Crap- I did reasonably well in SDD for the actual Exam- my school rank and internal ass. pulled me down. .But i gained a good mark for what we did in class.. not having a teacher.. so seriously , don't freak...
  16. Bunny04


    No don't be.. I was like that last year, and its bad to be all freaked out.. Its the most relaxed atmosphere, they're nice and its all good- and Make sure you take advantage of your Cool down time and ALL the time you can for a good warm up (depending on where you are.. brent St STudios...
  17. Bunny04

    The Island

    I saw it, and personally i don't know why there are so many 'bad' reviews- i quite enjoyed the Island, much better than i thought- it wasn't a movie 'spoon fed' to you. . It made you think a bit (ok in some parts it was bloody obvious) but the genral concept and things were good, interesting...
  18. Bunny04

    SDD teachers

    wow.. my year only had that many girls doing the subject- tee hee, i was one of those 269 then ^^ woot lol My SDD /was/ crap: A) never showed up to class B) when he did, he sat infront of his computer doing god knows what and didn't teach a class C) Didn't speak proper english (thats...
  19. Bunny04


    Lizzz ^^ I know Liz ^^ (lol excuse randomness, i'm on a sugar high) and you're from SYO... kool, i was in it .. a while ago ^^ lol -
  20. Bunny04


    Ok... (hope you don't mind an Ex- HsC dancer giving info :P - i only did the exams last year ^^ ) Rooster: Study the - LYRICS - and their interpritation (well the actual movements, and how the words, and verses are incorporated into the dance) - Study the back ground of the ERA...