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  1. Bunny04

    What are you currently Reading?

    I'm currently reading erm *fishes book out of bag* ahem. .... " The Key" by Marianne Curley, the final book of the guardians of Time triology.
  2. Bunny04

    Has anyone ever submitted an assignment in late?

    Erm, handed in a Harmony assignement late, and lost 20%
  3. Bunny04

    Semester Two subjects

    Sem 1: MCGY 1000- Aural Perception 1 STRG 1001 - Cello Ensemble ENSE 1005 - Chamber music 1 MCGY 1008- Music History- Medievil and Reinessance MCGY 1013 - Harmony and Analysis 1 ENSE 1018 - Orchestral Studies STRG 1021 - Cello Major 1 Sem 2: MCGY 1003 - Aural Perception 2...
  4. Bunny04


    Yeah, the reason why i got to start teaching was cause my teacher was leaving for overseas for a while and she didn't want to leave her students so she coached me for about 4 weeks- i had to show up to their lessons with my my old teacher, and then started with them.. so yeah a bit of trainning...
  5. Bunny04


    I teach ^_^ (cello ) i have 4 students at the moment- young kids, and one adult.. beginners up to 4th grade.. but im not allowed to put them through exams until i get the teaching certificate... meh.
  6. Bunny04

    Team America..

    Funny movie... whole cinema in hysterical laughter when i went... especially the vomit scene.... O_o :P -- Everybody has AIDS- Your mother AIDs, your father Aids, your brother your sister aids aids aids ....
  7. Bunny04

    Star Wars! (SPOILER WARNING)

    The Yoda/ Darth Sidious in parliment thing was kool- good fight scene, and there were a few laughs in the movie which i didn't find in the Episodes I and II - they were appaling compared to IV V and VI in my view ^_^;; = Burning Anakin alive was horrible.. and the movie was alot darker than...
  8. Bunny04

    Star Wars Episode 3

    Trust me the cinemas aint that ffull - I went on Friday 1.30pm to George St and there was maybe 12 people in the cinema (and i came like 30 mins in) and today when i went again ( to see the beginning ^_^ ) went to fox 5.30 about 25 peopel thats it .. its cause they have A session every Half...
  9. Bunny04

    ** Music Industry **

    There are a few places, The Syd Con. The Australian Insitute of Music and private colleges (although i really woudlnt suggest the Australian Insitute of Music- due to teaching skills/ fees and overall standards- trust me.. i went there lol ^_^)
  10. Bunny04

    How can this be?..

    Yup quite common for diff classes to do the different subjects. Our english, and Music and Software Design and Development classes all did Diff optional topics and it doesnt affect rank or anything since they are the same equal amount of marks in the exam
  11. Bunny04

    Star Wars Episode 3

    there were definatley a few bits which didnt match up ( In Revenge of the Sith) with Ep IV V and VI - I just finished watching Ep. IV - a New HOpe, straight after seeing Revenge of the Sith Hmm.. Could have done with a tiny bit more revision but Meh... 1977 - thats a long time ago its fare...
  12. Bunny04

    Star Wars Episode 3

    Definatley a good Movie... a must see if you have watched the other Eps. It is SOOOO much better than I and II , Its not quite at IV V and VI level, but i think its definatley up there- Enjoy! :D
  13. Bunny04

    60% of Uni Students live below the Poverty Line

    $20-40 a week for all uni / living costs is hell hard.. . ^_^;; meep thats what im stuck on.. damn work paying a fornight *scowls* oh and by the way.. keep USU fees to get cheap food :P
  14. Bunny04

    Most annoying book of all time

    worst book / Series: The Da Vinci Code, Deception Point, Angels and Demons, Digital Fortress- Man they are WAY too Hyped up... they are total rubbish.. and people they are FICTION books... ugh.. people keep going on and on and on and On about them.. .they are good airport books when you have to...
  15. Bunny04

    whats ure pay rate and where do u work?

    im 19 and i get $21 and hour- Department of Education and Trainning New Apprentiships and Board of Studies offices ( mainly New apprentiships trainning centre though ^_^) casual - Clerical work
  16. Bunny04

    Star Wars! (SPOILER WARNING)

    You have to Buy the tele.. as if that isnt bad enough... Find the damned coupon and then pay and Extra 2 Bucks! lol..
  17. Bunny04

    Belly Button Piercings/Rings etc

    Belly Button piercings can get very easily infected... you really dont want to get it caught on anything either... and it happens.. girl at my school was in hte woodwork room and she got it caught and it ripped out pulling quite a bit of skin off . meep.. not good.. luckily prince of wales...
  18. Bunny04

    Busking group...

    Heitor Villa Lobos, 'The Jet Whistle" For Flute and Cello - Great piece
  19. Bunny04

    hm, volunteer work / charity stuff etc

    If you join a St John Ambulance Cadet Division and become and 'adult' member, or a Cadet 'leader' (over 18) and under 18's join as senior Cadets.. you dont pay for hte course... your division pays for the course... you dont pay for hte Uniform either.... you just do duties and show up to a...
  20. Bunny04

    Wot Do U Reckon Is The Best Job??

    A musician... becoming a proffessional Musician.. playing in an Orchestra like the Sydney Symphony.. or the Chicago Symphony or the London Symph or starting off in something like the ACO