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  1. Bunny04

    War of the Worlds

    yeah.. you can't get past H.G wells classic ^^
  2. Bunny04


    OH man this movie was funny _ just saw it ^^ "I like to move it, move it"
  3. Bunny04

    Assessment Task on after the Trials - what do you think?

    in year 12 i had my Final Software Design and Development Assessment task worth 35 % after the Trials infact in September, the week we went on Stuvac... so i dont see why Just after the trials should matter ^^
  4. Bunny04


    im going to Thredbo from the 9-12 july ^_^ yay!
  5. Bunny04

    Most over rated movie

    War of the Worlds
  6. Bunny04

    Cumberland Campus and Main Campus

    yeah, con goes back on the 18th of July, where as Main campus goes back 25Th ... I think :S i should proabably check that.. hmm
  7. Bunny04

    Semester I exam chatter

    woot i've finished all of my exams ^_^ all 4 of em ^_^ Joy! - good luck to everyone else though!
  8. Bunny04

    Charlie and the chocolate factory

    yeah, true that... I saw the tralier... Man that was odd... too colourfull and happy and all that... its really bright and fluro... and Johnny... O_o... I know alot of kids will be screaming because of that man.
  9. Bunny04

    state of origin 3

    Meh, I'm sticking with: Go the Blues" Oh and yeah.. comments Hmm Origin 1: Good game, although we lost... hmph.. but oh wells Origin 2: Had me stuck to channel 9 the entire game, Go Johns *cough*
  10. Bunny04

    4 yr old dies in disney world

    its so fast that the Gforce physically restrains you- like the Hurricane ride, (might have seen it at the show or luna park etc.. ) it spins so fast that you cant move really at all .. thats what a heavy G Force does to you Height restrictions on those kind of rides are sometimes ridiculous=...
  11. Bunny04

    State of Origin Thread

    yeah.. Johns it was.
  12. Bunny04

    State of Origin Thread

    i happy with the man of the match - no suprises there :P and Fitzgibbon.
  13. Bunny04

    State of Origin Thread

    Bloody brilliant ^_^ i loved every mintue of the game. .. .oh man i wanna fly up to brissy...
  14. Bunny04

    State of Origin Thread

    yay! ^^ ok.. thats rather large- but yes... GO THE BLUES!!!!!!!!! and lets hope Johns can lead us to another victory in Brissy July 6
  15. Bunny04

    State of Origin Thread

    Bloody oath Johns is brilliant.
  16. Bunny04

    Composition ahh!!!

    well for My HSC i did 'Dance' and my UAI was severley pulled down (due to the fact mainly i didn't score as high as i thought i might have - even though it wasnt that bad a mark ) depending on what subjects you do- (stupid me chose all creative arts subjects and then maths english and SDD...
  17. Bunny04

    Suicide from HSC...

    there was a girl at my school that comitted suicide due to the HSC and no, no one got 5 extra UAI points
  18. Bunny04

    Carr announces $8bn railway project

    yes, it really needs to come out to Randwick the damned bus systems are crap
  19. Bunny04

    Mr & Mrs Smith

    or you could go the Randwick Ritz - still $7 to see a movie! and $4 for a combo meal- Small Popcorn, Drink and Mars bar Or Lollybag , or Choctop.
  20. Bunny04

    Longest time spent travelling to and from uni

    20 Mintue walk to Bus stop and then 1 hr travel To uni, (mornings) and usually 1/30 at night and 20 minute walk again.