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  1. Bunny04

    Free Russell Campaign

    8 years actually ^_^;; - 8 years for throwing a phone at a dumb receptionist - who "In Hospital- where the person was being treated for CUTS? " ok... who gets cut by a phone being thrown at their head?
  2. Bunny04

    Free Russell Campaign

    8 years actually ^_^;; - 8 years for throwing a phone at a dumb receptionist - who "In Hospital- where the person was being treated for CUTS? " ok... who gets cut by a phone being thrown at their head?
  3. Bunny04

    Longest Time Spent Travelling

    longest trip for me was Sydney- Osaka: 9.30 hrs Osaka stopover: 11 hrs (god damn- i swear its the worst air port ever to get stuck at for 11 hrs ) Osaka- Charles De Gaulle Aiport Paris: 12.30 hrs Paris - Marseille - 1 hr way home: Marseille Airport - Paris Challe De Gaulle...
  4. Bunny04

    Composition ahh!!!

    well based on your stimulus think of ideas relating - what kind of article is it? think of descriptive pictures- or images that come to mind when you read it and then interperate that into a movement- or act it out- that can often help
  5. Bunny04

    Australians want tsunami donations refunded after Corby declared guilty

    Its disgusting , People asking for Money back because she got sentenced for something which is common law in Indonesia- and who knows, she may be innocent, she may be guilty, but the fact remains- the Drugs were in her luggage- she didn't deny the fact. . .. its really pathetic asking for it back...
  6. Bunny04

    What HSC subjects do u do?

    meh im at uni, but shall post anyhow. Music 2: I love my music ^_^;; Music Extension: What i do best ^_^ English: had to ^^ and had to drop Advanced English in year 12 since the advanced teacher left aww Software Design and Developement: because it was the only other subject i...
  7. Bunny04

    What's the last game you played?

    Erm... Sims 2 University - Expansion pack and GT4
  8. Bunny04

    Why is Corby guilty?

    The thing to remember is that the Drugs where found in HER bag, no matter if she says they aren't - I don't know if shes guilty or not, i have no side to this, for all we know she could be innocent, but to say that Schappelle didn't have a fair trial is kinda wrong, there are thousands of people...
  9. Bunny04

    Can't Practise!!

    5-6 hrs tis good ^^ - worked for me :P
  10. Bunny04

    Can't Practise!!

    Well for The Dance (performance exam- Major and Core) HSC- Glandular Fever was no exemption. So i guess if you have it, you'll have to give it a go - Im guessing it would be the same for music seeing as they are both arts subjects
  11. Bunny04

    Top 5 Favourite Directors of Recent Times

    hmm, i would probably go with Peter Weir and Peter Jackson
  12. Bunny04

    funny sites... and post more here!

    Yeah, i realised that when my sister had spent the last half hour trying to fold it :P mind you someone i know said they managed to do it after about 10 tries.
  13. Bunny04


    yeah- musicianships alot easier to teach, seeing as it is mainly wrote learning - just gotta know your stuff really well- like studying for any normal exam- where as an instrument, depends on a whole heap of variables.
  14. Bunny04


    You have to have your teaching Cert to put em through AMEB- need to register the kid with a teacher number :P and 25 Bucks for half hour is good
  15. Bunny04

    funny sites... and post more here!

    On funnyjunk i wanna know how to fold the shirt jap stlye lol
  16. Bunny04

    Film You Have Seen The Most

    The Matrix (the Original) erm... Speed (the original) oh yeah... and Donnie Darko, Harry Potter 3 - PoA
  17. Bunny04

    Star Wars! (SPOILER WARNING)

    Hmm yeah.. the only part of Anakins role that was considered ' good acting' was mostly played by and exploding/ on fire dummy.
  18. Bunny04

    Semester Two subjects

    Trust me chamber music isn't fun if you're chamber group NEver wants to rehearse and you have an exam coming up really soon ^_^ ;;
  19. Bunny04

    funny sites... and post more here!

    aww you haven't listed Emotion eric.. tee hee, tis good for a small laugh
  20. Bunny04

    What is the best trilogy of books or series?

    I love the Harry potter series :P but when i was younger i loved the ' Guardians of Time Triology - including: 'The Named' ' The Dark' and teh final one only last week was released .. although im over it now ^_^ ' The Key' its a fiction / = fantasy series by Australian Author...