Search results

  1. Bunny04

    Semester 1 results (2005)

    Oooh shit... O_o im hoping to transfer to another music degree at the con next year, wonder what i need... meep- better ask.. Does anyone know, if One tiny fail will make that much of a difference to a transfer :( Im hoping not.. tee hee
  2. Bunny04

    Semester 1 results (2005)

    Im really just hoping for a pass in Aural Perception, a Credit in Music History, and Cello Ensemble- Distinction *hopefully* and Chamber music, Credit- But preferably Disctinction one HD is enough for me ^^
  3. Bunny04

    The Hardest Thing About The Hsc

    Meh, live with it... the HSC is one year out of your life.. and everyone knows its Hell... just surf through it, do what you need to do. and you'll be fine.. stop complaining and stressing, there is nothing you can do (unless you quit school now, which would be such a waste of year 11 and half...
  4. Bunny04

    Semester 1 results (2005)

    Oi.. no bagging the con people ^_^;;; We had our exams from the 14-17th of June, hence the earlier results.
  5. Bunny04

    state of origin 3

    i though the 2nd game was the best ^^
  6. Bunny04

    state of origin 3

    meh, i never stick around watching the presentation.. ^^ - who cares.. we know we won.. now its just hte trophey to the winners... the almighty blues.
  7. Bunny04

    state of origin 3

    Yesh.,.. Wrong indeed it was, and bad to even doubt our team.. with johns and fitz on it! ^^ :P and yesh... ALL HAIL THE MIGHTY MIGHTY BLUES... I HAIL THE MIGHTY BLUES
  8. Bunny04

    state of origin 3

    oh well.. yay!!! We won... and woot, thats the 4th time now out of 11 ^^ yay! we kicked butt
  9. Bunny04

    state of origin 3

    :D Yup thats right. (nice and big blues support sign.. although we don't really need it now ... Squee! ) GO THE BLUES Im loving this ... aww man, Joey and Fitz ^^ aww damn it, its not going to be 32 - nil... oh wells! ^^ still bloody good!
  10. Bunny04

    state of origin 3

    aww man.. this game... Bloody Awesome.. GO NSW.. =starts singing= 'we are the champions' and its only the 65th minute. :P Lol, sorry a little excited.. . 32 NIL!!! NIL!!! and at SUNcorp!!!!!! aww man.
  11. Bunny04

    state of origin 3

    Oi- don't say that ^^ GO the BLUES!!!! I'm really hoping we'll win.. (for the love of our team , and the bet placed at work.... *cough* tee hee ) but i suspect Blues will win, (hopefully) and with Joey there... god damn he's a brilliant player. ...
  12. Bunny04

    The Sydney Conservatorium Students Thread

    whoa- long time since anyone posted in here... But i have a question : If someone *most likley me* fails Aural Perception 1 - do we go on to A.p 2 or go to Aural 1B class... meep- and does anyone know if that will affect a transfer into Bmus Perf. For second year - from Dip. Mus
  13. Bunny04

    Semester 1 results (2005)

    ooh, another result- MCGY 1008 Harmony and Analysis 1 - Credit ^^ woot i passed.. Phew.
  14. Bunny04

    Semester 1 results (2005)

    woot- i got a High Distinction for Orchestral Studies 1 - ENSE 1018 ^^ woot
  15. Bunny04

    Any instrument players?

    I play the cello -- i used to play the piano, but gave up after 4th grade ^^ and im at the Con doing a performance degree- but meh ^^
  16. Bunny04

    did anyone perform poorly in english and get a good uai?

    you can get a good mark in english and flunk UAI, or the other way around... its weird how it all works.. i got 79 in Standard English, and not much worse for other subjects- did better in most.. and still totally totally flunked my UAI..
  17. Bunny04

    Most over rated movie

    Hmph- - - I say "War of the Worlds" is still the most over rated movie of the time (right now) - And yes, i've now seen it.
  18. Bunny04

    War of the Worlds

    Hmph, i still think it was way overated- THe tripods defense system... that just didn't make sense... do seagulls make the forcefield go down .. lol :P he should have remmebered that.. it was kinda weird ending too.. bit too corny and typical hollywood ending.
  19. Bunny04

    Semester 1 results (2005)

    I got a disctinction for Violincello Major STRG 1021 but it hasn't been posted yet on Myuni... she told me the last lesson of term - since it was 100% teacher based assessment for 1st semester
  20. Bunny04

    Composition ahh!!!

    ^_^well done! :D - Good Luck!!!!!